Saturday, September 19, 2009




An integration of The Symptoms, The Roots, and
The Types of people ruining America
"We are confronting an epic problem … the country that is the birthplace of the sanctity of the individual … is under threat … in our time … we may be the only surviors on the planet with that glimmer of hope alive within us  … where human liberty is possible …and is under threat of being swept under the rug … of Totaltarisism . We must come forth with some way to wake up the sleeping mind:
The mind of the evasive- irrational- the mind of our neighbors and leaders and say loud and clear":

“ …I am not going to let this happen to me …”

"… The Fundamental Problem: Remains that our assumptions are so deeply embedded in our consciousness that we do not know that they are there…"
Educational Foundation, Inc interview 10/7/96

robert r. lackney, architect

" ... Abstractions without experience will change nothing and
become illusions or worse delusions in the real world

resulting in diasters.

Without a framework of generalizations, details are aimless fairy tales.
Without the knowledge of the details
generalizations become meaningless platitudes ..."

1997 Lecture notes: College of Architecture and Planning
Ball State University

Robert. R Lackney, professor of architecture

"The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal,
well-meaning, but without understanding."

I offer the following notes to help frame the Problem, Cause, and Solution(s)
Remains that our intellectual assumption and biases are so deeply embedded in our consciousness that we do not know what they are and the impact they have on
our gradual loss of Individual Rights, Freedom, and Individualism.
( a proposal from an old person working alone in his studio)
Man has been infected with an “emotional disease” that has resulted in
the suppression of rational thought that has become an epidemic.
By defining the “suppression of rational thought as an epidemic”,
we might look at the "irrational thinking and behaviors of individual"
 in terms of an illness and identify the fundamental “symptoms”.
The individual’s disorder’s are expressed in the society as
symptoms, political reactions, and perhaps with the principle of politics in general.
This then would hold true, however, only if the basic principle of politics namely,
the thirst for power and where special prerogatives were carried over into all spheres of life.
And, where we as individuals are placed in a situation to
protect ourselves from the people we have placed in positions of power
as they become corrupted by the "politick" itself.
(Note1: This includes professions that seek personal accomplishment by deceit and intrigue, or the infections that have made American Institutions sick, or personal transactions based fraud and trickery, etc.
Sadly, it is not surprising that truthfulness, straight-forwardness,objectivity, and integrity are disappearing.
(Note2: These are the highest forms of human behavior and rare in human transactions. The individual infected by the universal Epidemic( the suppression rational thought) is characterized by the “contradiction” of the intense desire for Life and the inability to achieve a corresponding fulfillment of life.
Our current political irrationalism (Utopia Building) is clearly characterized by this contradiction.
With this logic of a compulsion our best intentions lead to destructive ends
(Note3: The use of force, gangsterism, thief, statism, Fascism, Mysticism,
indoctrination, standardization of behaviors, and the like).
The process to which has released an emerging government intimidation and control: today our politicians are discussing higher taxes, nationalized health care, controls over oil, tobacco, financial, auto, the media, the Internet, and drug companies, the elimination of home schooling, massive new powers for the Federal Reserve to provide central planning as needed to eliminate the ups and downs of the business cycle, controls over anything that might negatively impact the weather including the type of light bulbs we use and the cars we drive and subservience to a world government with the United Nations at its center.
Only the Good
PS: After this past few months and my review of all the posts we have contributed I might add a note of my own "puzzlement"that the cause, extent, and
threat of this relentless expansion of Government Secured Rights and the diminished Individual Rights is largely unknown and may be unknowable
... this is a difficult position for me to post
 when I really hope that there is a solution without a full blown revolution and dismal of the leadership of our institutions who are driven by political correctness and power and control.


'What Creative idea will you place within your mind?
Will it have the power to invigorate an awakening of the indivdual mind and the strength to spark something clean, beautiful, and good?"
2004 Interview,EDRA
robert r. lackney,architect

When asked:
What is the best way to prove your case, create a rule, solve a problem, justify an idea, invent a hypothesis, or evaluate an argument presented?
How do we know things?
How do we decide relevance or recognize bias?
What is the best way to think?

How do we make sense out of our world of ideas and experiences?
We all must think in order to live in this world and we need to develop effective reasoning in our pursuit of reliable beliefs and useful knowledge.
There seems to be 8 fundamental thinking tools that can be used to effective thought:
Memory + Associations + Pattern Associations + Reason
+ Experience + Invention + Experimentation + Intuition

“ There is not just one tool for effective thought:
there is magic as we mix and blend the use of the tools of Thinking.
There is one clear thing that we learn when we
focus on the 8 tools of thinking:

“The more we think
the more things we think about
and we think of.”
Freedom and Responsibility Inc.
Robert R. Lackney, architect/ moderator


Each viewer is invited offer their thoughts on the "New Intellectual"

INDIVIDUALISM: Is the  "Inner Voice" that motivates
the Creative, the Thinker, the Innovator.
Philosophy of Life: Happiness, Productivity and Reason the moral meaning of the ideal mind.
What man can be and ought to be :
What makes the INDIVIDUAL IDEAL MIND possible?

The professional intellectual must provide leadership:
studies of man as an institution.
With the birth of capitalism, the system that permits man to make a living with the mind
… our intellectual leadership has collapsed and vanishing …
Individual Mind has the power to know the facts of reality.
Extentialism, Buddhism, religion has abandon reality for illusion
… and returned to Mysticism and rejected the Creative Imagination
Ever since Emanuel Kant who undercut the value of reason
… Physchology has become the sister of religion and the cousion of the Progressive …
When we awoke from our deep sleep we were confronted with illusion or worse delussion:
Fairy Tales
We are called to see things as they are and use our
Creative Imagination
to make things real.
Only Good Stuff
Freedom and Responsibility Inc.
Robert R. Lackney, architect, moderator

As I gaze upon this Great Country in decline, I wonder still of the mission  and
our quest for an understanding of the Root(s) to this condition.
Clearly, the situation is being brought about by the way man is dealing with his life, the decisions being made by each person, and the aggregate affect that comes with trends.

It occurs to me that the Root of "Fear" is an obvious basis from which many are now operating.
Noticing the turn to superstition, hope in a central authority, and a sense of desperation I am compelled to believe that, more specifically, our species is suffering from a Fear of the Unknown.

When we Fear that which we do not know or understand, we can tend to latch onto the familiar, the temporally satisfying, the re-assuring, and those things that have been the stop-gap to the unknown to date.

It is indeed disconcerting that as mankind faces an otherwise glorious period of so much accumulated knowledge he might "chuck it all" in deference to mysticism, tribalism, and cannibalism.

Will there be another chance to seize knowledge, reason, and confidence from which to advance the human experience or will there be a return to the cave, bigotry, fighting, and another great epoch cycle that tests the mettle of reason against ignorant evasion?

That is for each of us to decide it seems - if there are enough of "Us



From the ranks of our society we find a spectrum of individualist producers to welfare takers.
In the vast chasm between those who make things and those who steal what the producers make: The hordes.
Therein is the ocean of SO SO very many who are not motivated to make productivity of their personal ambitions a focused reality.
They really have none.
Hence, the perceived Root of true personal happiness is evaded by the vast majority.
By way of example, most people are content with simply filling a slot in a job as defined by someone else - that someone being a producer/business owner/ entrepreneur. Power-crazed politicians are always creating more and more havoc to solve as a justification for their position of power.

In the wake of their mess we have the institutions of governmental departments and the broad expanse of bureaus and jobs related. Statistically, I am sure that more than 50% of the populous is now in some way employed under government cash flows.
That psychology which allows for individuals to be satisfied working within the structure of something that is not a part of their personal individual self-fulfilling productivity (a job for someone else) is now slotted into a system that is inherently a producer of nothing (the government).
People content with this fit do not question the "sustainability" of the system within which they work - they just go to work and return home to eat, sleep, and return to work. They may have a hobby, but the bulk of their life hours are committed to someone else's vision in action. In the case of government-related jobs, those workers are part of a vision based in extortion of the citizenry.
( Note: Not to mention that within a few years the cost to fund entitlements in America , namely, Medicaid, Medicare,and Social Security will exceed the yearly revenues gleaned from the tax base of a diminishing work force ... the question we ask: Will there ever be enough money the politician and the government? When will corruption this stop?)
(comments by: r.r.lackney, architect)

Hence, we are faced not only with a Numbness Phenomenon that really doesn't care about the viability of the nature of the organization for whom they work BUT compoundedly, we are faced with that same mentality actually being compelled to "believe in / support" that entity for the simple reason of needing their provider to "stay in business".
·( NOTE: We now have the "zero-liability voters" :
They are they are a rapidly expanding segment of voters that are made of all races, ethnicities, and sexes.
They are voters that want to use the government to fund all the social programs, welfare, and etc.
They are now pushing a National health care program.
These are also the people that do not contribute to the system that funds these programs.
They either get what money they do get taken out of their checks back plus some from the government at tax time or are just flat out receivers of the system.)

( Note: The " zero-liability voters" are not liable for debt they are a receiver of the system as is and depend on it's continuation.)
. (comments by: r.r.lackney,architect)

Therefore, as we look forward to solving the problems of Numbness, Evasion, Mysticism, Fear, etc. (all of our Roots) we are going to face the irrational resistance of the majority - the majority that does not think beyond their weekly pay check and are going to be damn resistant to anything that would seem to threaten their "insurance".
I dare say, that a great part of what is wrong with the Free World has to do with the fact that the majority of society lives in contradiction to the fundamentals of the free and independent thinker.
That majority does NOT dedicate its talents and energy toward a productive life that is focused on that individual's personal aspirations for their individual self-realization.
( Note: To convince them that they are off the mark will require a true process of personal education and transformation: how did Jefferson, Adams, and Ben Franklin with "nudging" from their mutual friend Priestly overcome the irrationality of the Calvinistic world view of their time and give birth to America.)
(comments by:r.r.lackney,architect)
In short, our Solutions will have to be of an heroic caliber. Nothing less will work.


Robert R. Lackney, architect /moderator

Division of Responsibilities within: The Health Care System, The Judicial System, The Penal System, The Economic system, The Political System, The Technological System(s), The Educational System, The Marriage System, The Religious systems and spiritual systems.

The survival of corporations, business, institutions, and profit seeking enterprises have morphed into “mindless systems and standardized services” that have and continue to destroy individual freedoms:. The individual is "processed by an expert - handed off to another expert, then to another, and to another". No one in the process or outside of the process knows or will ever know what is going on. No one can predict the intended outcomes that are being implimentated.

Environmentalism and Religious, and Anthropological points of view that promote /determine beliefs to people, culture, politics.

Government actions to bring wealth forward, at the cost of enslaving the unborn “credit expansion”.

Freedom is the negative characteristic of the whole experience of what has happened in American culture. The other more positive aspect is “responsibleness”. Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness.

Government by Consensus: Public officials have been persuaded to: pass and implement environmental laws restricting the development of all existing lands both within the small towns and cities as well as the countryside. Statism at its best.


And, I asked my friend, the Idealist, if he wanted to abolish the rich?
No! He said: “I want to abolish the “poor”, those that suffer from disease and want.And, it is “our” responsibility- all of us are accountable - to help everyone realize their potential to the fullest.”

The Idealist is passing laws against cruelty, human need, and death based upon the welfare of the community and the desire for unity, togetherness, and oneness: The Global Community.
At last, the Idealist beleives in his power to create "international partnerships" between the wealthiest and poorest countries designed to share or provide doctors, nurses, medicine, technologies, security systems and the like with all countries especially, the underdeveloped nations to insure human rights, elimination of wars, and freedom from oppression.

‘ … 200 years ago the world problem was slavery, 100 years ago: child education and the right to vote, 50 years ago: the right to social security and welfare, And, in contemporary time there are pressures of sexual preference, race discrimination, and persecutions that have been the focus of world systems to change the world
Note: Never mind that Fascism, Communism, Apartheid, Socialism and the like have tried and failed. Yet, our government leaders of the "Free World"continue to pursue this irrationl agenda in the present time ... now.
“Charismatic- Leadership”: Young adults, unable to read, cynical of history, science, and mathematics many becoming victims of the classroom teacher, media celebrity, political leader and the alluring illusions and delusions of the mass media of what is and what can be. The Pop Culture in the process of creating an “Emotional Plague” based on Fear+ Anxiety + Self Hate … disguised as Creative Imagination,

There is a serious flaw within current educational processes where a the “one size fits all” approach to teaching and learning. In this concept, conformity is the rule of law, creativity is sacrificed for teaching to the test, teaching without regarding teacher individuality and uniqueness.
We are witnessing the Death of Education and The Dawn of Learning.


Prepared by: AA:: Freedom and Responsibility Inc.
Robert R. lackney, architect/ moderator

We are at a crisis point, because we can not bring forward any more wealth.
In a few decades, just the interest payments on the National Debt will be greater than the earning capacity of the living.
· Constitutional authority: the process of undermining the Constitution by the Congress and Courts
· The government’s growth of power
· The government controls the message and uses deceit to manipulate the public trust
· Government actions to bring wealth forward, at the cost of enslaving the unborn.
· Symptom: Credit Expansion: cost of enslaving the unborn
· The government can perform illegal actions and bring the income potential of the unborn forward of satisfy our selfish greed today.
· The death tax: life is the means to the ends since before you even existed, Contractually indebted against your will at the day of birth for the purpose of bringing wealth forward.
· Obama: political agenda is the strategic thrust of the communistic.
· Government: "takes" from the public trough as if it were manna from heaven.
· System Standardization: Survival of corporations, business, and profit seeking enterprises regardless of the system you are operating in: Health Care System, Judicial System, Penal System, economic system, political system, technological systems, or religious or spiritual systems.
· Ms. Rand understood then, in 1957, an emerging trend toward more government influence, where “somebody’s need is a claim against our wealth.”·
The continue of Corruption in voting, cross finds, graft and the like of leadership in Congress.
· The Entitlement Taxation: Costs of Health Care Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security will in 10 years exceed the yearly tax revenues for America. The Middle Class Contract has been looted by political system.
· Ideologies that are eating away at American Core values (Ann Rand).
· America is not doing enough for the war against its enemies(Ann Rand).
· Administration’s refuse make self defense its ruling principle and support it true ally in the mid-east Israel (Ann Rand)
· War against CEO’s is designed to strangle American business.
· Positions on Environmentalism , Culturalism, Political Correctness
· Government by Consensus: The New Government: less and less verifiable data
· In welfare system in America, Fascisms, Communism, Christianity, we are noble …we are moral we are creating a society to control the individual selfishness… Socialism undermines life.· STATISM: “The last 50 years have been an orgy of placing need above wealth creation, above personal pursuit of happiness,” Mr. Brook says. “I think we are seeing the consequences of that today.”


Our challenge is to reason with those who
have given up on reason.
Based upon the belief that
all symptoms are due to the
abandonment of reality and reason.
Robert R. Lackney, architect, moderator

The redesign of entitlements so that middle class choices are in terms of work, family, and health care will promote more productivity, efficiency, and wealth, rather than the shrinking of the labor force and the growth of government.

The creation of an educational approach that prepares our brilliant students and teachers to contribute, create, and provide the solutions and engages the uncertainties, problems, and opportunities facing the local and global community.


Children can do extraordinary things.

Children are reaching out into everything and forming a new recipes , namely



children thinking about their personal learning-a community base learning process-the internet is at the center but now they are assembling ideas/concepts/solutions from multiple resources:

the internet of course and from people from all over the world.

'The One glimmer of optimism'- children and learners are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies.

The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way.

We are a wittness to the Death of Education and the Dawn of Learning


more to come

AA :: Fredom Responsibility Inc.

Robert R. Lackney, architect, moderator


The massive suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC.
How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of this intellectual and behavioral disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?
Interview commentconference EDRA 2006. robert r. lackney, architect
A: Mysticism is its most destructive form.
B: The passive and active thirst for authority.
C: Moralism (Social ethics, political correctness, environmentalism)
D: Party politicking.
E: The toleration of doctrinal methods of education (i.e. Sadistic, dogmas, ideologies).

F: Gossip and defamation (the 1st step in the use of force to commit harm and murder).
G: Imperialistic war ideologies, rule by force, and Government by Consensus.
H: American rackets and scams (i.e. ‘ponzie” schemes, fixed elections, sub- prime loans etc.
I: Anti-social criminality.
J: Racial hatreds (I.e. KKK, Black Power, Islam “crap” and the like).

K: Social abuse within the social movement campaigns of the past 70 years,
L: Political reactions (I.e. The thirst for power, social agenda, deceits and intrigue vs. accomplishment, all are within the realm of human sadism.
M: Repression of the rational, innovation, independent discourse, individual creative imagination.
N: Counterfeit behaviors, subjective convictions and compulsions within the unhealthy individual.
O: Inability to experience happiness and love. Loss by many the "love of life".

P: The population’s flight to drugs: media, chemicals, alcoholism, and sexual addictions, media-pop- celebrity worship.
Q: Self-anesthetization by living through subsidies) and the philosophical (Objectivist) facts of life ( subsidies destroy the motive-center of life! ) and people craving an "insured" life.
R: The ”zero-liability voters”: people who do not pay taxes and vote to expand all progressive welfare programs that have bankrupted America.


The Solution is to be found within the problems of
People, Products, Systems, or Structures.

The Solution is to be found within the problems of People, Products, Systems, or Structures.

SYSTEMS (Governance)
RELATIONSHIPS (Rules and Governance)
LOSS OF PRIVATE PROPERTY  | POP CULTURE (the rejection of reason)

Note A1:: Mission, Strategic Thrust A2:: Objective A3::Workplans


Last week an image of a church groupat prayer  reminded me of a paper I gave many years ago titled:

“The manifestation of the Cosmic Image: The Past Future made Present in Space and Time.”
After the 45 minute presentation my mentor and friend , Dr. Barg, a psychiatrist said to me:
“ Robert … there is at thin line between insanity and genius- and you have just erased it!”
(On reflection it would have been kinder of me to have placed my audience and laid them head to foot to rest in the pews during my talk and later provide a strong cup of black coffee before they left the parking lot.)
I imagine a room full of people ready and willing to hear our “solution” represent for me:
The diverse political and ideological groups within human society as described in our modest list of people types: Healthy and Un-Healthy.
And, I am reminded by the many of our posts of their internal struggle and ideological conflicts between the political Left and Right (and the Up and Down)
For me to evaluate people and a particular issue social, political, or their capability to "know", “reason”, or understand “A=A” , I must know a lot more than I do now.

The thorniest questions that I am now wrestling with deal with “personal responsibility and freedom”.
Given the limitations of the individuals described in my imaginery audience are we really able to express the core issue? And to what extent?
I am beginning to wonder if there are any current forms of thinking that are able to address these questions?
Previsouly , I pointed to “moralistic behavior”-‘ … referred to as “political correctness,”
'… the mindless application of the same set of rules of social conduct for one and all, which will eventually reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, lead to less individual freedom, and increase government control of society...'
This happens because genuine freedom without personal responsibility is impossible.
And, with the absence of personal responsibility and the first sign of a crisis our People Types will vote the 1st chance they get for more government bureaucracy.
What I am now sensing is that the political solutions we have been proposing to address social problems are an attempt to deal only with the superficial, symptomatic level of social crisis.
Sadly, I fear that the underlying sources of social problems, ills, and inequities can never be permanently remedied through sociopolitical, judicial, or religious activism.
MY THEME (Proposed)
What is the ideal man we are visioning?

What is the method of thinking that will penetrate the average and exceptional person and bring new insights into the predicaments that we have brought upon ourselves?
What is the effective educational approach to awake the individual through "personal ascent (or conversion)?
What is the method of thinking that will penetrate the average and exceptional person and bring new insights into the predicaments that we have brought upon ourselves?
What is the effective educational approach to awake the individual through "personal ascent (or conversion)?

Time ad time again, experience has proven that political solutions and social programs fail miserably.
Why, with all of this “progress,” do we still find ourselves in a world filled with violence, oppressive political regimes, religious fanaticism, racial hatred, sexual repression, child abuse, corruption and deceits, pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, and all the other manifestations of human misery?
Why do people walk then run into the opened arms posters of the:
Hitler's , Stalin's and now … the silvery voice of Obama?
These the pathways of Freedom into Totalitarianism!!!
For me, the character of the individuals who have gained the power to control their personal lives have discovered the real energy that drives life:
That is life itself!: Creative Imagination.

The solution I offer is centered in placing “Creativity” or “Creative Imagination”, and the emerging knowledge of brained based learning at the center and core of all education.
Education that is focused on the few not the many.
The One glimmer of optimism'- children, learners, producers are the ones that are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies.
The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way.We may indeed already be a witness to the Death of Education and The Dawn of Learning.
Insanity or genius?
Only the Good
PS:: for me the long term along with some mid and short term "nudging" is in order.


The integration of The Symptoms, The Roots, and The Types of people that are ruining America to discover "the solutions" to wake up the irrational mind.

We are confronting an epic problem … the country that is the birthplace of the sanctity of the individual … is under threat … in this time … we are the only surviors on the planet with that glimmer of hope … where human liberty is possible …and is under threat of being swept under the rug … of Totaltarisism .

We must come forth with some way to wake up the sleeping mind … the mind of the evasive- irrational- the mind of our neighbors and leaders to say

“ …I am not going to let this happen to me …”

What is a creative Solution: we have no limits except those that we put upon ourselves.
● “ … Think for your survival …”
● “ … Fight for your own liberty …”
● SOLUTION: Reform the two political parties (Options: 1/ Dissolve,2/Term Limits,3/Other)
SOLUTION: Education of the youth to the failures of socialism, collective totalitarianism, the material shortcomings of the system, the persecution, fascism, communism systems and the success of capitalism.
SOLUTION: Exposing Propaganda the and the "The Irrational", "The Unreal","The Distortions of Truth"( refer to Propaganda below... this section)
● SOLUTION:  Creativity As a Discipline (refer to comment below)
The mission and final solution seems to me: how do we prevent the “people in power” from doing bad things to us?
Do We Look for Common Ground?
1/The “common ground” we share with others is INDIVIDUALISM
(Note: not (necessarily) ideology, faith experience, political ideas, tolernace, or compromise.)
2/ The “common ground” we share is our rights as “individual” versus rights as "society", "group", "association".
3/ The “Group” that we fundamentally share is that we each are “Individual”.
4/Keep a list of the ”perceived evils”- irrational actions and behaviors- by those around us that require our intellectual ("Objectivism") response.
5/ "Turning -the -Other-Cheek" is  tactic… not the solution ... are we not to confront the exploits of political correctness as a source of issues that are evil and are leading us intpo slavery
6/ "Common Ground" that brings about a position where A= a position that is disguise for the irrational  must  rejected and to be considered evil"."Common Ground","Tolernece", "Political Correctness" are breeding grounds for comprimising the true value of  Individualism, personal rights, and the morality of self.

(Note: There are some who say: "It's either-or. Evil or Good. Faith, or Reason. You can't have both. There is no middle. The middle is evil, more so, because it gives evil the strength to destroy you. That is his "crack" in the doorway, his wedge, and his umbilical cord.")
Background Perceptions
1/ A truth presented (to any group) prior to its factual outcome is seldom if ever accepted by the “Popular Mindset”. We witness this in the popular voting process. Providing philosophical and intellectual information turns the people “off”.
2/ America is a “reformist” nation … not a “revolution” nation (Anarchy?)
3/ Leaders: it seems to me that it is an uphill battle to get “good-people” to lead. People who are attracted to power are venal at best.
4/ The mission and final solution seems to me: how do we prevent the “people in power” from doing bad things to us?
5/ Our culture is “A Wash in Lies” and irrationalities. Most people (it appears) are attracted to images, bumper stickers, slogans that distort reality, evidence, and truth. A culture so separated from integrated ideas renders it thoughtless.
6/ Is this process creating a culture that is frightened and looking into the eyes of a new “power elite” that will grow exponentially?
7/ Separated from thoughtful and integrated writing by the bloggers, internet news media, TV and opinion and conjecture has developed a thoughtless culture.
8/Many “minds’ and people have separated themselves from the formal study, the written text, the teacher and they are without what Ayn Rand addressed as the need to maintain an “integrated” philosophy.
“Movement Building”: Vision?
1/ Movement building is a process of "conversion" or "copting" individuals to recognize their INDIVIDUALSIM in the midst of "collectivism" where small groups of people of like minded individuals band together to model, present and teach and then support one another over extended peiods of time. I have not decided if "Projects" are required ... more interested in individuals who take on their own initiatives and be responsible of finding new commers to INDIVIDUALISM.)
PROPAGANDA: Exposing the "Irrational"
1: Propaganda:The exercise of a "super-rationalistic" control to expose the irrational through “sacrifice of personal integrity “could lead some to develop the authoritarian or totalitarian overtones of the very ideologies we are supposedly opposing.
2: Propaganda: ... the discussion came to an end ... now where do we go? ... "
They asked as they looked into the face of the rational mind.
Propaganda no matter where or by whom it is initiated goes through its stages until only coercion or force are left ... after a period of silence( my experience):
3: Propaganda: The exercise of a "super- irrationalistic" position in opposition to the rational through “ persuasion, cries of personal integrity, "pet" and "pre-digested" beliefs and solgans of "faith, hope, charity “could lead some to develop the authoritarian or totalitarian overtones of the very ideologies they are supposedly opposing.
4:Progaganda: Those who disagreed with this assault on their intelligence were labeled as intolerant, hateful, un-Christian
5:Propaganda: The greatest harm ... based upon ... best of intentions.
6: Propaganda: design of the “A Wash in Lies” and irrationalities. Most people (it appears) are attracted to images, bumper stickers, slogans that distort reality, evidence, and truth.
A culture so separated from integrated ideas renders it thoughtless.
7: Propaganda: Separated from thoughtful and integrated writing by the bloggers, internet news media, TV and opinion and conjecture has developed a thoughtless culture.
8: Propaganda:Posters, images, videos that pander to the Emotional Infection(the loss rationality) within those people ' whose anxiety, insecurity, and repressed desire for belongingness nursed (in them) a fear of (individual) freedom and a lack of responsibility.'
[ note: " Historian Zev Bardu said: "On the psychological level it has gradually led to the annihilation of the individual's personality by the weakening of the critical mind."]

Train a set of new people who are ethical and creative who can come up with creative solutions to society problems. These people need the skills to engage the world and good things will happen. I am thinking now of the crafting of an honor code for themselves that asks: a/ Can we create a perfect society? b/A reach towards perfection. We cannot accomplish perfection but we can attain excellence.

1/Cenzorship by government, media control, Political Correctness
2/Increased spending beyond known limits
6/Emerging Congressional approval of government programs intended over time to replace the American health insurance industry with an enormous new government entitlement. And it fails to address the core of our health care dilemma.
7/Illegal Immigration and voting corruption, education processes.
8/Indoctrination within the public educational system.
9/ Union benefits that have bankrupted private industry paid out of USA Treasury.
10/ Debt and the selling of America to China, Russia, Mid East.
11/ Political Correctness used as a weapon in censorship and intimidation of free voices.
12/Corrupt and deceit within key individuals our Congress and administration.
13/Muslim infiltration of America: “ Jihad never ends”.
14/Entitlement Programs: un- sustainable financially.
15/ Social Justice: Environmentalism, Multi- Culturalism, Welfare-ism
16/ “Arbitrary Government”: singling out an individual or group for special ill/benefit … then there is no rule of law … we have a whim of the congress … anyone can be named to give up life, limb or property: Property Rights and Conscription.
17/ Today our politicians are discussing: higher taxes,
18/ Nationalized health care,
19/ Controls over oil, tobacco, financial, auto, the media, the Internet, and drug companies,
20/ The elimination of home schooling,
21/ Massive new powers for the Federal Reserve to provide central planning as needed to eliminate the ups and downs of the business cycle,
22/ And, controls over anything that might negatively impact the weather including the type of light bulbs we use and the cars we drive and subservience to a world government with the United Nations at its center
23/ The United Nations Charter on golbal climate that transfer wealth from USA to 3rd world countries as payment for past misdeeeds of "capitalism".
24/ National debt and the compulsion of politicians to maintain spending beyond America's economical resources.
25/ Lack of Patriotism.
26/ SOLUTION: Education of the youth to the failures of socialism, collective totalitarianism, the material shortcomings of the system, the persecution, fascism, communism systems and the success of capitalism.
27/ Centralized planning in Washington Political system: co-opting news media, removal of freedom of radio speak, network neutrality and internet requlation.
Create a "Bag of Symptoms, Types, and Solutions" within reach of the Activist.
The way to change the world was through small magazines and think-tanks.
"Co Opt" as many people TYPES as possible.Include the development of tools to " focus" and "convert" both positive and negative TYPES
+ Developement of a "Speakers on Demand cadre.
+ Organize The "Friends of Collective" to connect and integrate with national patriots
Tool A: The 3 minute "sound bite"
Tool B: The 7 minute Homily
Tool C: The 20 Minute talk to community groups
Tool D: The " Windshield" handout
Tool E: "Work- Study -Travel' for teachers and learners of Freedom and Respon


A ::: Observation: There are people who are well informed, people who do not know what they are talking about, people who are partisan in their pet issue/project, people who are left/right ideology, there are the experts. So much “noise” that all have trouble sorting out the truth.
B :::
C :::
D :::
5 ::: TYPES
TYPE 1 : The KEN & BARBIE's- These are the “regal”, the Kennedy’s, Barbara Strisiends, of America. These people see themselves as the royal kingdom holders. They ride in their Rolls Royce chariots waving to the adoring smiling faces at the guarded fences- who look up to the regal – the icons and project their lives as a model of these idols. Liberal to the extreme and compulsively use others in their social experimentation. Not concerned with income tax they have plenty of capital- paying long-term capital gains at 15%, enjoying the lowest tax brackets in the country. Typically, non-religious but as the people’s idol pay lip service to religious and spiritual things to maintain favor with the adoring groups. They will stand at a microphone a say they understand the common man but do nothing, virtually for charity or volunteerism. They are a powerful elite group levering their social status as aristocrats of American culture. Few in number, but their presence dominate the media and political positions. The Ken and Barbie’s of America!

TYPE2: THE EGG HEADS: The educated “elite” of American society and their cronies. The pseudo- intellectuals, students, groupies, pop-culture groups and the “community organizer types”. Aligned ideologically with the Ken and Barbie group but openly intolerable of the traditional religions and the values associated with these religions. … Seeking the “Contemporary Spiritualities”: Example, Eastern religions, experts from out of town, mysticisms, naturalisms, and the fringe spiritual movement. Capitalism is – in their mind- the Great Evil. Involved in charitable ventures (than the Ken-Barbie’s). Especially, volunteerism. Through these activisms they are able to evangelize and enroll others to their ideologies as they pray on the emotions of the uneducated by highlighting the fringe disparities of hunger, pollution, resource depletion, poverty, racism, and the like. Larger in numbers than the Kens and Barbie’s but remain a minority in the American population. Individually, they have very little power but have immediate and great effect thru media exposure and public demonstrations. The educated elite: The Egg Heads!

TYPE3: THE BOHIEMAN: The artistic type. A sub-set of the Egg Head. Educated, typically, but not necessarily. They subscribe to the alternative approach to everything and feel the “right” to self expression in any form of the “arts” is their higher calling than the mundane occupations. Resent capitalism and wealth. But, continually compromise their “idealism” by groveling for substance from those who have money. They pursue the arts without serious focus and committed discipline toward perfection. Art is their playground in which they retreat. Fodder for the Kens and Barbies … and the Egg Heads. Easily subscribed into movements and used as the marketers … through the use of their art (which is used as a weapon). This is their only source of power a power that is supported and then exploited by others. The artistic Type- the Bohemians.
... THIS TYPE INCLUDES: The Russian" Model: a carry-over from the 19th-century Russian intelligentsia as "a sub-set of the educated classes, encompassing those who talked about books they had never read, distinguished both by a disavowal of class or occupation, such as bureaucrat or soldier, and by their conformist subscription to such supposedly progressive ideals as atheism, socialism and revolution.(Quote:: Burleigh). Many are to be found posting in meet-up groups around the country.
... AND: :"The Intelligentsia" : Those people who embrace an essentially secularized Christian vision-"a redemptive Populist crusade: in which redemptive virtue was ascribed to the lowest of the low, and paradise would dawn after their consciousness had been raised to revolutionary levels. ( 1940 Russian intellectual - now teaching socialology in the Universities).

TYPE4: THE WORKING JOES: the working Joes are the largest population in American Society- less educated but skilled and productive. Their ideology vacillates as there income and lifestyles are affected by political and social conditions. They tend to be conservative but not in a psychological sense- they do not value things in that way- they defer to a traditional religion based upon their upbringing. They are victims of the influences of the Kens/Barbie’s, Egg heads, and Bohemians … in that they do very little for society but do vote occasionally and do in that way affect society. Their “victimization” is a direct result of willful and possibly unavoidable evasion. Cumulatively they have the greatest power and wealth of the country. But, as individuals their means are very modest or moderate. The Classic Middle Class. The working Joe types.

TYPE5: THE VENTURISTS: the people who have the big and nice colonial houses with acres surrounding them. These people have made their money differently than the Kens and Barbie. In fact, they are the “counter parts” to Ken and Barbie. They are fewer in number than that of the middle class but, they have tremendous influence not through the media but in the financial structures they have built and maintain. They are the conceivers and doers that provide employment, products, wealth, value, and … the taxes. They are independently minded but confirm to traditions in daily life and religion. They are more and more under the gun of regulation and political governmental edicts. And, tend to conform as required without much fuss about the big picture so as to keep their business working. They only squawk by way of their attorneys about matters that directly and adversely affect their enterprise. This is the Ventures Productive Type.

TYPE6: THE REBELS: the malcontent, freewheeling, trailer trash, cowboys drop out, live for today group. These people are not concerned with changing anything. They accept the world around them as unchangeable. But, dam determined to live as they see fit. These resent intrusion. Distrust most people and could give a rats As… about politics, religion, rules, and regulations except as needed to be avoided in order to get on with the next party. The make a living as required for their pleasure. Seek only individual life to live as they choose.

TYPE7: IOU’S GROUP: Those that thrive on debt through consuming and having things that they cannot afford. Have no understanding of income and debt, living beyond their means, and ape the government commandment borrow beyond your limits.

TYPE8: The Britney Spears Syndrome: "Miley Cyrus' transformation from schoolgirl to sexpot is a simple matter of economics. Sex sells. And the sexualization of girls -- from cherubic-faced teen idols like Cyrus to their legions of even younger fans -- is big business in America today." ( refer to solutions)

TYPE9: Disney's "Hannah Montana" fame, appeared this month at FOX's Teen Choice Awards pole-dancing atop an ice-cream cart in micro-shorts and black leather boots.

TYPE10: "The Lolita Effect: image of female sexuality "has been getting progressively younger over the years. "reverting to a time when childhood was indistinct from adulthood, when the concept of 'child abuse' was unknown." (incest, adult-child sex and pedophilia.)
... This type includes: "Media Porno" model : The growth of the multi-billion dollar child porn and child sex-trafficking industries, as well as alarming rates of eating disorders and sexually transmitted diseases among girls and the rise of such trends as "sexting," in which girls send out nude photos of themselves via cell phone or Internet to attract the male sexual attention they have learned to seek at all costs.
TYPE 11: TERRORISTS:  "The Terrorist": Common profile for law-enforcement and intelligence agencies: invariably morally squalid, when it is not merely criminal.


1/ LIBERAL TYPE A:BIG SPENDER: Obama began his tenure with a massive $800 billion "stimulus" bill consisting largely of payoffs to traditional Democratic constituencies and investments in assorted pet projects of the left. Spent $1 trillion dollars.

2/ It was a model of pork and inefficiency.

3/ The large national debt Obama inherited has roughly doubled in size, domestic discretionary spending has increased by 25 percent (even without counting the stimulus), and we have experienced the three largest annual deficits in American history.

4/2011: Obama has been dragged kicking and screaming into deficit-reduction negotiations with congressional Republicans, he proposed a budget that would further increase the deficit and debt on the premise to spur employment.

liberals came to be identified with an economics of stagnation and decline. Since Obama took office, unemployment has averaged 9.3 percent, and economic growth has been anemic despite enormous measures intended to improve both. Repeated promises of a strong recovery around the corner have contributed to an impression of hapless incompetence, and the public's expectations regarding the economy are now more pessimistic than they have been since the late 1970s, while (in large part as a result) overall faith in government is at record lows

An explosion of regulatory discretion and the birth of several large new public programs have revealed an extraordinary faith in bureaucratic administration among today's Democrats. It is of course most powerfully evident in Obamacare, with its vast array of interlocking rules and programs overseen by an army of waiver-granting clerks, and its board of 15 philosopher-accountants setting prices.

The tax burden imposed by Obamacare alone comes to roughly $770 billion over ten years, but that is just the beginning. There was a time when Democrats ran away from the mantle of the party of tax increases, but by this past summer the administration and congressional Democrats had put higher taxes at the top of their list of fiscal priorities.:Now insist quite openly that no further budget deals will be possible if taxes are not raised.

President Obama travels the country arguing that the rich have done too well at the expense of all other Americans and should be made to give more to the government—though, to blunt the attack (and to get around the inconvenient fact that his own net worth is estimated at more than $10 million), he has added the unusual twist of including himself among the moneyed interests. "How can we slash funding for education and clean energy before we ask people like me to give up tax breaks we don't need and didn't ask for?"

9/LIBERAL TYPE F: THE CULTURAL ELITIST: embodied by John Kerry in 2004. It was the type that Obama exhibited when he shared his opinion of the religious and cultural attachments. And it has shown itself :1/ police officer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, acted "stupidly" when he arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates. The modern liberals, from the riotous counterculture of the 1960s through today's NPR snobs.

10/ LIBERAL TYPE G: THE SNARKY, PSEUDO-ALIENATED, DISHEVELED YOUNG PROTESTER. The “reincarnation” of the hippie. There is much to complain about regarding Wall Street and its cozy relationship with the government, but the Occupy Wall Street protesters do not seem to have a clear idea of what that complaint might be, or what should be done about it. They seem increasingly to give vent, instead, to a vague unfocused ennui, unaware that their bizarre reenactment of their professors' wistful exaggerations of the 1960s threatens a great many Americans whose cultural memories extend further back than the invention of the iPod

Only the Good

1/ Ideas taken from EPPC, Yuval Levin

2/ A Gallup poll October 2011: showed that only 21 percent of Americans consider themselves liberals. The rest of the country might well put up with liberals in power now and then, but not if the left insists on constantly reminding us why, to coin a phrase, we are the 79 percent.


‘ … American Industry has been under attack by a culture that is based on
Marxist/socialist concepts and the premise that
we are victims of the Capitalist system and its corrupt moral underpinning …’

· Socialism: advocates state ownership of industry and ‘… to advance the longstanding agenda of the unions and progressive movements to expand the role of the state in health care, energy, education, and other sectors, taking on new spending commitments that will exceed 4 generations…’

· Federal government has become a component of the "State." government designed to impose, collect, and then use tax payer money to spend on a raging social justice agenda.

· TARP Funds: used to purchase preferred stock in banks and now owns banks in lieu of eliminating sub-prime loans, purchase GM, disperse funds to GE, and other politically connected corporations.

· Survival, through patronage of the political elite, of the corporation, business, and profit seeking enterprises regardless of the system: Health Care System, Judicial System, Penal System, economic system, political system, technological systems, or religious or spiritual systems are all seeking the government hand-out.


· A public satisfied with a peasant's resignation to serfdom in light of their distance from any direct experience of the loss of freedom.

· Services are perceived as a “right” a “freedom” versus “ responsibility"
· We are not free because those who do not value their freedom (the Numb) have allowed those who want to control us (the politicians) do so! Ar4e we able to make correct decisions or trapped into psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions seems to support the Numb theory.
· Capitalism: egalitarianism as the “most destructive principle in our society” and believes that the best employees should receive the most rewards.

+ America is not doing enough for the war against its enemies.
+ Administration’s refuse make self defense its ruling principle and support it true ally in the mid-east Israel
+War against CEO’s is designed to strangle American business.
+ Positions on Environmentalism and Culturalism
Taken as a whole there is an alarm that suggests there are ideologies that are eating away at American Core values.

How do we oppose these policies and design a process to restore America’s vitality?


"The individual mind leads to the understanding of:
An indeterminate expansion of
Love + Work + Knowledge"
Society of Art and Architecture, Inc.
r.r.lackney, architect

Recently several questions were put to me:
::: "How should schools be changed?"
::: Maybe some foundational questions are things like - what do we expect from a school?
::: What are we willing to pay to make sure a school can meet our expectations?
How do we determine the success of a school?

i said: " i want to see as far as i can in every direction."A voice asked: "And, how will you do that?"my reply: "With my imagination."
r.r.lackney, architect
2008, Jul yinterview: Educational Foundation Inc.


I remember my grandmother saying to me on a warm summer’s evening while sitting on the front porch in Elkins West Virginia:
“ Robert, schools can be imagined as a train filled with books, desks, buildings, teachers, students, principals, papers and pencils on a great journey into the future
… we expect that we are on our way to Florence. Italy …
but, after 15 years of study we look out the window and discover
that we have arrived in Siberia, Russia!”

1 ::: There is a serious flaw within current educational processes where the
“one size fits all” approach to teaching and learning.
2 ::: What we need to do is to bring the best and the brightest into the education process and nurture our youth over an extended period of time: say 5,10,15 plus 3 years?
3 ::: Children can do extraordinary things.
Children are reaching out into everything and forming a new recipes , namely:
4::: META LEVEL LEARNING: children thinking about their personal learning-a community base learning process-the internet is at the center but now they are assembling ideas/concepts/solutions from multiple resources:
the internet of course and from people from all over the world.
5::: The One glimmer of optimism'- children and learners are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies. The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way.
6 ::: We may indeed be a witness to the
7 ::: Death of Education and The Dawn of Learning.
8 ::: Discover, Prepare, and Mentor our exceptional
students, teachers, and educational leaders.
9 ::: These students are currently in grade schools, middle schools, high schools and
working professionals in the market place.
8 ::: Key question we must ask:
" How effectively will we accomplish this?
+ ::: The creation of an educational approach that prepares our brilliant students and teachers to contribute, create, and provide the solutions and engages the uncertainties, problems, and opportunities facing the local and global community.
::: … The One glimmer of optimism'- children and learners are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies. The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way …

+… ROOT of the ROOT: “ One Size Fits All Model”:

Facing a magnitude of the collapse of Educational Institutions of the past 100 years we are witness to the Death of Education and the Dawn of Learning.

+ … PROBLEM: There is a serious flaw within current educational processes where a the “one size fits all” approach to teaching and learning.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: What we need to do is to bring the best and the brightest into the education process and nurture our youth over an extended period of time: say 5,10,15 plus 3 years?. This includes the development of the “Open Source” model as a means of knowledge distribution.
+ … STRATEGIC FOCUS: Creativity + Innovation + Leadership

Children thinking about their personal learning-a community base learning process-the internet is at the center but now they are assembling ideas/concepts/solutions from multiple resources: the internet of course and from people from all over the world.
Create an alternative educational process where "Creativity" is considered as a discipline that is the center of learning. Creativity is something that happens to you and creates a sense of “uncertainty” .
The making things with your hands that leads to “Creative Collaboration” that works through solutions over extended periods of time. The creation of international ‘connective networks” that break through the boundaries of disciplines, the creative professions, and technical resources on a global basis. Innovation always Cumulative and Collaboration.

Seeing and conceiving solutions to problems that exist beyond what we know and do not know. The ability to “see over the horizon” and then “Think + Plan +Do +Act”: The ability to Create a Vision and fulfill a Dream.


1· Axis of Evil: Collectivism, Altruism, Mysticism (A/R)
2· Financial Collapse: Entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and bankruptcy of America: shrinkage of workforce, middle class.
3· Political Correctness: Root problem of the free world
4· Collective Belief Systems: Utopia Building worldwide
5· Government by Consensus: most evil (AR)
6· Self defense: as a ruling principle
7· Undermined by policy: war against CEO to strangle business. The passive and active thirst for authority. Imperialistic war ideologies, rule by force.
Multi-culturism Environmentalism: political power and widespread destruction.
8· Axis of Evil: Collectivism, Altruism, Mysticism (A/R)
9· Resurgence of mysticism in American culture
Fascism, Communalism and then leads to death (A/R)
10· Growth of Unionization leading to entitlements on future wealth
11· Credit Expansion: cost of enslaving the unborn
12· Standardization of American institutions
13· Social abuse W/I social movements of the past 70 years,
14· Moralism (Social ethics, political correctness, environmentalism)
15· The toleration of doctrinal methods of education (i.e. Sadistic, dogmas, ideologies).
16· Political Party politicking. (thirst for power, social agenda, deceits, intrigue vs. accomplishment, all within the realm of sadism
17· American rackets and scams (i.e. ‘ponzie” schemes, fixed elections, sub- prime loans etc.
18· Racial hatreds (KKK, Black Power, Islam and the like).
19· The population’s flight to drugs: media, chemicals, alcoholism, and sexual addictions, media-pop- celebrity worship.
20· Massive suppression of rational thought is an epidemic.
21·The individual infected by the universal Epidemic ( suppression rational thought)
22· Abandonment of reason, and the embrace of irrationalism"
23· EDUCATION: the acceptance of propaganda as education.
24 · Symptom: Indoctrination. hidden in continuing education programs. The primary focus of continuing education for financial professionals is oriented around the idea that they are their brother's keeper as well as the eyes an
25· The individual’s disorder’s are expressed in the society as symptoms, political reactions, and perhaps with the principle of politics in general.26· This then would hold true, however, only if the basic principle of politics namely, the thirst for power and where special prerogatives were carried over into all spheres of life.(I.e. Including professions that seek personal accomplishment by deceit and intrigue, or the infections that have made American Institutions sick, or personal transactions based fraud and trickery, etc.)
27·· The individual infected by the universal Epidemic (suppression rational thought) With this logic of a compulsion (operating in the individual) our best intentions lead to destructive ends.( I.e. Th use of force, gangsterism, theft, statism, Fascism, Mysticism, indoctrination, standardization of behaviors, THE BIG 8, and the like)
· Reality is not effected by consciousness or the beliefs of the human mind: subjectivism…human consciousness does not control reality.
· Religion is incompatible with a basic need of human life: self-esteem.
· Extentialism, Buddhism, religion has abandon reality for illusion and returned to Mysticism and rejected the Renaissance.
· What ever your “ethics”, philosophy, religious persuasion, or sense of right or wrong “eminent domain” is universally resisted.· Alternative is reason and logic: “Why must man live for others to be free?”
31.A New List
31.10/GOVERNMENT: POLICY: The Entitlement Taxation:
31.11/Attack on American Industry.
32./ "Faith and force . . . are corollaries: every period of history dominated by mysticism, was a period of statism, of dictatorship, of tyranny.""Faith and Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World"


::: Freedom, a fragile reality that we have discussed since childhood, is only half of the American truth.

::: Freedom is the "negative" characteristic of the whole experience of what has happened in American culture past present and into the future

::: The other more positive aspect is “responsibleness”.

::: I am beginning to believe that Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness.

::: The continuing betrayal by those who have succumbed to human indolence and laziness where so many have decided not to work and contribute to the growth of America but have relied on the welfare system, the "the free lunch," handouts provided by a government who seeks the votes of the "poor, needy and deserving".
::: which sadly, and probably includes 99% of us

::: I am asking myself the following questions:
1/ Has the individual come to value the expectation of LIBERTY enough to take the needed actions required to prevent its destruction?
2/ Are we in the classical cycle of Liberty to Tyranny?:
3/ Being characterized by Liberty: "affluence" and the loss of understanding of the cost of that liberty over time.
4/The exploitation of that laziness/indolence by "leaders", that leads us to
5/Tyranny, and the resulting rise of rebellion against that tyranny at the near breaking-point of the human will , and:
::: then the regaining of Liberty.
6/Do we truly believe in Freedom and Responsibility?
7/ Freedom, it seems to me, is only half of the truth.
8/ Freedom is the negative characteristic of the whole experience of what has happened in American culture.The other more positive aspect is “responsibleness”.

::: The mass suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC.
::: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destoying what we beleve to be Freedom?

::: The past 70 year experiences of criminality, on small/ large scales
(i.e. Post Civil War, Inquisition, Luther’s Peasant Revolt, England’s Cromwell’s Office of Religion, international fascism, sadism, and the standardization of American institutions).

::: The Epidemic ridden individual uses ethical codes to justify behaviors that relies and legislates that ‘everyone must be healthy’, that is imposes a way of life on others by force ( A form of Progressive liberalismUtopia Building)

::: Susceptibility to the Epidemic is universal- even the most healthly among us is susceptible to the irrational reactions.
::: There is always an acute epidemic outbreak of the Emotional Infection:

A: Mysticism is its most destructive form.
B: The passive and active thirst for authority.
C: Moralism (Social ethics, political correctness, environmentalism)
D: Party politicking.
E: The toleration of doctrinal methods of education (i.e. Sadistic, dogmas, ideologies).
F: Gossip and defamation ( the 1st step in the use of force to commit harm and murder).
G: Imperialistic war ideologies and Government by Consensus.
H: American rackets and scams (i.e. ‘ponzie” schemes, fixed elections, sub- prime loans etc.
I: Anti-social criminality.
J: Racial hatreds (I.e. KKK, Black Power, Islam “crap” and the like).
K: Social abuse within the social movement campaigns of the past 70 years,
L: Political reactions (I.e. The thirst for power, deceits and intrigue vs. accomplishment, all are within the realm of human sadism.
M: Repression of the rational, innovation, individual creative imagination.
N: Counterfeit behaviors, subjective convictions and compulsions within the unhealthy individual,
O: Inability to experience happiness and love.
P: The population’s flight to drugs: media, chemicals, alcoholism, sexual addictions, media-pop- celebarty worship.
Q: In the reaction of a healthy person- nothing can be concealed motive, action, and goal form a unity.

A ::: Cultural Ideals we would expect: truthfulness, straight forwardness, self understood attitudes, objectivity, and
B ::: The search for Love, Work and Knowledge, and
C::: Creative Imagination, Innovation, and Leadership.

::: The mass suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC
::: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: "THE EMOTIONAL EPIDEMIC" Model. The Epidemic ridden institutions and individuasl uses ethical codes to justify behaviors that relies and legislates that ‘everyone must be “healthy”, that is imposes a way of life on others by force through progressive idealism and Utopia Building.

+ … PROBLEM: The breakdown within American culture and the embrace of "physical and emotional addictions" that are concealed within the Progressive liberal movement campaigns of the past 70 years that mirror the fundamental social justice and political correctness programs that drive soialistic, communistis, and facist ideologies.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ???????????????????????????


... The fact that the majority of society lives in contradiction to the fundamentals. That majority does not dedicate its talents and energy toward a productive life that is focused on that individual's personal aspirations for their individual self-realization.
... I appreciate the reference : “the majority and the individual’s aspirations” as one of our classic battlegrounds of the conflicts between opposites: “Collectivism vs Individualism”.

::: Since a child I have sensed the “gravitational pull” of my family, teachers, even mentors against or for personal ideas and values that led me toward the acceptance of the “middle-of-the-road” outcomes: like the “majority wins”, “We won! The hands have it!” (i.e. 51 percent of the vote.)

::: I heard my school chums say that they personally had their own opinion – but, "would say" what the teacher (or parent) wanted to hear to get a better grade. The habit of telling strangers what they want to hear to make a sale, a deal, or a position based in deceit rather than talent.

::: At the time, this kind of thing never did make sense to me but, i did manage

::: to learn later in life: this was a loss of your persoanl integrity-
::: "saying one thing then doing another".
::: I didn’t want to turn into something I didn’t believe in but,
::: in time we all succumb … even me.

::: I asked my dad: "How come everyone is on board with this thing?"
::: My dad said: “Everyone just changed their mind then changed their positions in order to “fit in”
::: And my father added: "When you resist the majority they will complain: “You’re an idealist- that is your problem.” , “You cannot be controlled- you have a problem with authority!”, “You cannot be part of the team- unless you “fit-in”!.”, “ The grade of “C” is passing- anything beyond that is wasted effort!

::: I still hear these slogans and see the faces in the faces in the crowd still in my mind after 70 years.

::: There are many people who are disappointed by political leaders who say they are sharing their principles, and they don’t follow through.

::: We see again, and again, and again:

::: The resurgence collectivism, altruism, and mysticism in American culture.

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: “The Dumb Down Syndrome”:
The process of contradiction of personal values, aspirations, talents, and skills to majority rule and the loss of Integrity.+

+… PROBLEM: We see the resurgence collectivism, altruism, and mysticism in American culture. Especially, the conflict between the group and individual: “Collectivism vs Individualism”.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: The re- Education of people to the values of Individualism, Egoisim, and Reason.

+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ???????????????????????????

... The reoccurring reference to the “Psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions” may be recognized as a “co-existing” condition of Good and Evil that all of us become a victim from time to time.
::: Evil (some teach) lurked in the heart of Cain at the Gates of Paradise.
::: While watching the movie “Saving Private Ryan” over Labor Day, and hearing the words of Tom Hank: ‘ … angels on our shoulders…” as a tank buster destroys the German 122KGH tank a childhood memory popped up in my mind.
::: I still see my grade school teacher, Sister Barbara SSF shaking her right index finger to remind me that I have two voices sleeping inside my body.
::: One, my GOOD Angel: that speaks as soft as a kitten promising a life of Reason, Purpose, and Happiness ::: And, The EVIL Angel: a voice is smiling and saying: “Come here Robert! And, let us make a mess of your life.
::: The 1960’s, I lived through a time when the motto “Anything goes”, “ Do not trust anyone over 30 years of age”, ‘Don’t get mad- get even”, “ God made me do it!” attitudes that challenged existing authority of Church and State and changed them. A social revolution!
::: Some now see that in this “revolution” the seeds of destruction were sowed within the hidden evils lurking in the hearts of those little “Frankfurt disciples” and political correctness began to grow in the minds of our youth into this very moment.
::: Self- Hatred has found expression in the American heart.
::: This emotional epidemic has infected each of us and is manifesting in our addictions to Fame + Fortune + Power.
::: Evil now lurks in the heart of Abel at the foot of the Statue of Liberty.
( Note: we include: sex, drugs, food, things, money, welfare. And. I might add anything that can be gotten free: the welfare check, education, health care, medicines, emergency room, lying and deception, fraud and the like).
::: The American people’s compass is off and have lost their sense of: Reason + Purpose + Self-Esteem and the virtues that integrate them: an integrated philosophy of life.
::: We have all to some extent tolerate, Evil among men.
: There is no outrage end to the blind acceptance of mounds of freedom-interfering legislation and regulation that are in violation of our inalienable rights as otherwise "guaranteed" under our constitution.

::: … Psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions …

+ … The ROOT of the ROOT : “The Angels on My Shoulder Model”: The inherent psychological condition of man, and the outside influences of social manipulation, or some other cause.

+ … PROBLEM: We see the death of Ethical behavior in American culture and the rise of corruption at every level of institutional leadership. Especially, the conflicts between Fame, Fortune, and Power and Reason, Purpose, and Self-Esteem.+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: A process of education focused on an Integrated philosophy life and the acceptance of axioms to free the mind.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTIONPLAN: ????????????????????????????????????????
... The emerging Numbness Theory points to the fundamental issue within American life:
the avoidance of personal responsibility and a gradual loss of freedom.

::: This assumption is deeply embedded in our consciousness, so deep, that we do not know that it is there.

::: Many Americans have been conditioned to avoid responsibly for their work, their decisions, and their behaviors expecting others to take care of their needs, pay their bills, and expand their “Rights” to receive benefits and entitlements from the government or whoever is in arms reach.

::: For over 70 years, in my lifetime, the schools and churches have placed the ideas of social justice into the minds of our children: to serve the poor, to clothe the naked, to release the prisoner- then expanded into the worlds of environmentalism, culturalism, and diversity- all honorable goals.

::: These ideas are destroying America as they are expanded beyond the limits of national resources and has become a non-sustaining policy concept.

:::There is a age old wisdom for a professor entering his/her 1st class of the year:
' ... it takes 10 times the effort to re-teach a fact, a truth, or an idea that has been taught and learned incorrectly...'

::: Social Justice teachings by either Church or State have failed to empower the individual to
“... fish for themselves and then fish for others ... ”

::: ... Our assumptions so are so deeply embedded in our American consciousness that we do not know that they are there...

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: “The Numbness Theory ”:
The psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions seems to support the idea but in no way excuses laziness, indolence, or irresponsibility.

+ … PROBLEM: We see the expansion of the social Entitlements ( Health Care, Medi-care, Social Security) in America. Especially, the conflict between the “have’s and the have-nots:
or the age old battlefield of “ Egoism vs. Altruism”.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: The re-Design of Governemrnt and its rules of governance.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????

PS: there is a profound comment made to Helen Keller's by her teacher ( Anne Bancroft) in the black and white movie that expresses the same frustrations i am reading from the group.
... 'This is a word !!!! ... and the word means this thing !!!
... "If only- I can give you a word"
... "I have then placed the whole universe in you !!!"

::: “Money is the root of all evil” What is the root of money?

::: "Money is a tool of exchange of goods and services of fair/equal value."

::: I just returned for a trip into the beauty of Vermont. Between the great food, mountain air, and the exceptional the green scenery, for a while my thoughts took me to the place of Ecstasy. We drove north on State Route 7 from Rutland along Lake Champlain when I noticed the absence of power lines, billboards, or barn roofs painted with Burma Shaving Cream advertisements (or those wonderful 1930, faded directions to the Kentucky caves).
::: Then I noticed one … two, .. three … then counted over 73 “little red and black handcrafted” 1’ x 2’ feet signs sprinkled along the highway over the next 35 miles … each set back from the gravel shoulders … placed at eye height :

::: They “shouted” their message of hope:
“This land has been set aside, by the citizens of Vermont, from all commercial- residential - senior condos, -educational - private development : “F O R E V E R”

::: (What a “bummer:” for an aging architect looking for something to do) LOSS OF THE


::: … Elections within local cities, towns, and villages have been infiltrated by “transplants” from the wealthy groups from the East coast and
::: … Officials have been persuaded to: pass and implement environmental laws restricting the development of all existing lands both within the small towns and cities as well as the country side.
::: ... Statism at its best!


::: … Costs of development now include on-site inspections, personal interviews with home owners, permits, fees, environmental impact studies, and lengthy public review processes where the “upfront” costs can be from 30% to 60% of the cost of the construction.
::: ... Few, newcomers can pay the fees- Only the “rich” are able to
::: … This applies also for additions to homes
(I.e. Especially, where a bedroom or bath is to be added here the cost of increased taxes is based upon the increase of the “water closet flushes per day” involved in per household.)


::: Housing within existing cities has become scarce and costs have skyrocketed.
::: … Locals no longer are able afford the property taxes within existing salary base.
::: … Driving time from home to work is now approaching 1 hour 15 minutes
::: … The loss of replacement/new construction translates into loss of jobs and growth.
::: … The youth are not able to get summer jobs (I.e. Winter work at White mountain for a few). … Existing companies leaving the market- job losses- ... and families crowded out of the workplace and housing market by special interest groups.

::: As a "snarky" comment (my opinion) the beloved senators: Leahy and Sanders and their friends they have assisted in their evasion of the local political scenes are protected and benefit from all this taxing, job loss, property values, job loss, and continue to enjoy with great delight the picturesque drive along State Route 7,
::: ... While singing the State's motto ... FREEDOM and UNITY!

::: We are a witness to the loss of ownership of private property through the great evil of governance by consensus.

::: ... The ascendancy of “collectivism” and “Statism” by the Progressive Movement in American culture ...

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: “ Government by Consensus”:
Elected officials at all levels of government have been politically persuaded to implement environmental laws, eminent domain law, OSHA rules restricting development of private property, institutional standards, building codes, and management across the country.

+ … PROBLEM: The ascendancy of “collectivism” and “Statism” by the Progressive Movement in American culture. A battle ground: "Collectivism and Individualism".

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: The assesment of government authority and role in public and private life.

+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN:??????????????????????????

::: The passing of laws against cruelty, human need, and death based upon the welfare of the community and the desire for unity, togetherness, and oneness?

::: The Idealist who see things that they believe to be wrong and need to be righted. Sees those injuries that need to be corrected, and problems that need to be rectified.

:And, I asked my friend,
The Idealist, if he wanted to abolish the rich?
No! He said: “I want to abolish the “poor”,
those that suffer from disease and want.
It is “our” responsibility-
all of us are accountable -
to help everyone realize their potential to the fullest.”

• ‘ … 200 years ago the world problem was slavery, 100 years ago: child education and the right to vote, 50 years ago: the right to social security and welfare, And, in contemporary time there are pressures of sexual preference, race discrimination, and persecutions that have been the focus of world systems to change the world

::: (Note: Never mind that Fascism, Communism, Apartheid, Socialism and the like have tried and failed we must take this opportunity now.).

• Nelson Mandela said: He had climbed a great mountain to defeat discrimination and racism.
::: Now there is a greater challenge that lies ahead …poverty, climate change, emerging global challenges that need global solutions …and this need is the creation of a “Global Society”.

• Gordon Brown teaches: ‘ … We have the means to create a Global Society, the institutions of this global society can be created through our advance social communication systems. Our global ethic can infuse that effort by the principle of “fairness and responsibility

::: Brown continued: We must not squander our generation’s chance to create global institutions around the world for Environment, Finance, and Security for growth and development that makes sense of our responsibilities to other peoples and our desire to bind the world together and the need to tackle the problems everyone knows exists.
... Turn to one another and say:’ “Lets march!” .
... We should be marching to what should be a Global Society.

• The Prime Minister contributes: “This is the 1st generation in the position to do this: Combine the power of a “Global Ethic” and our power to communicate on a global scale with the challenges we now face … most of which are global in their nature – a change that cannot be solved in one country but can only be saved by a world working together.

… The financial crisis could not be solved by America alone it requires the world to work together, the problems of terrorism and security are equally, human rights and development ... these problems cannot be solved unless the world works together.”

::: Well thank God the UN is coming!
::: Are Americans "divined" to solve the ancient problems of Evil, Suffering and Disease, and Death itself for the entire world?

::: At last, the Idealist will create international partnerships between the wealthiest and poorest countries designed to share sharing doctors, nurses, medicine, technologies, security systems and the like with all countries especially, the underdeveloped nations to insure human rights, elimination of wars, and freedom from oppression.

::: After asking the "Why" question 5 times and drilling down through: Utopia Construction.

::: The root may be found in this fear for human beings to face Evil, Disease, and Death

::: With the emergence of the political Progressive/Liberal Idealist who see things that they believe to be wrong and need to be righted: sees those injuries that need to be corrected and problems that need to be rectified through
“ re- distributive change” .

::: … Our political leadership in America are at the threshold of creating a new world government that seeks to build a “Global Society” …
The passing of laws against cruelty, human need, suffering, disease, and death based upon the welfare of the community and the desire for unity, togetherness, and oneness?
+ … PROBLEM: Progressive Idealism, if allowed to implement their socialist agenda using America wealth will, in time, create international partnerships between the wealthiest and poorest countries designed to share sharing doctors, nurses, medicine, technologies, military and security systems and the like with all countries especially, the underdeveloped nations to insure human rights, elimination of wars, and freedom from oppression. The battleground of: Altruism and Egoism.
+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: Counter the principle of “fairness and responsibility” and “Re- distributive Change” with Freedom and Responsibility.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ??????????????
(Division of Responsibility)

::: My high school, mentor Mr. Willis Vogel, taught than in order to become a “Master Builder” I must learn all the “tools of the trade” and be able to “do-it-all”.
::: My education developed over a 15 year period (Truthfully it has never really ever ended) beginning as a office clerk responsible for filing the “work of the day”, a cub draftsman, student, senior draftsman, designer- sculptor-painter, engineer of systems, specification writer, field inspector, project manager, construction manager, teacher, mentor, and Architect.

::: Willis smiled and would say: “Robert! You must be able to handle the whole ‘Enchilada’, known as the “cradle to grave’ approach.

::: You can not imagine the incredible freedom to have the responsibility of conceiving an idea in space, organizing its geometries on paper, placing it in the hands of carpenters, masons, then seeing others walk around something that came from an image that began as a tiny light in my imagination.

::: The creative act: customized by its author to the product, the score, the building … the genuine work.

::: Some would say that this picture of making things is pure “arrogance”.
::: Others would see this as “humility”.
(That is, if we define humility as knowing one’s limitations).

Standarization of Behavior(s) and Work and Systems
::: The survival of corporations, business, institutions, and profit seeking enterprises may morph into “mindless systems and standardized services” that have the power to destroy worker initative and the strength to "demoralize" individual freedoms:
The individual is "processed by an expert - handed off to another expert, then to another, and to another". This process of “genes-memes- temes” or the relentless “sub- division” of responsibility for the “ Conceptual Work Process” into Para- professionals, technical levels of expertise, a series of “ Parts and Pieces” that no longer can produce the genuine only the mass-produced “one size fits all”.
No one in the process or outside of the process knows or will ever know what is going on. No one can predict the intended outcomes that are being implimentated.

A ::: The Health Care System, The Judicial System, The Penal System, The Economic system, The Political System, The Technological System(s), The Educational System, The Marriage System, The Religious systems and spiritual systems.
B ::: Where “one size fits all cases”: all are taught or encouraged from the same text, all use Goggle browsers, all receive the same sequence of procedures for a sore throat and cough, all vote for Republican or Democrat or Independent, and the listing continues.
C ::: Do we have the Freedom to choose our own "personalized system" which our participation insures the limits of freedom?

::: The survival of corporations, business, institutions, and profit seeking enterprises have morphed into “ the process of mindless systems and standardized services” that have and continue to destroy individual creativity, initiative and freedom.

::: No one in the process or outside of the process knows or will ever know what is going on. No one can predict the intended outcomes that are being implemented.

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: “ The One Size Fits All Model”:
The systematic “standardization” of human behavior(s) and the individual’s work milieu.
And the relentless "sub- division" of responsibility for the work where no one has a full concept of the overall outcomes.
+ … PROBLEM: The gradual loss of personal freedom and personal identity of the American worker. The continuing battle between the individual and the elite of the collective.
+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: Customization of production by placing creativity, innovation, and leadership at the center of production.
::: Culture: Young adults are “embracing” the hypnotic trance that is attached to the glitz and glitter that has the power to fragment the personality and the strength to disengage the individual from his/her “identity”.
.::: Music: The primary vehicle of one’s ego to escape “Reality” (i.e. “ the Here-and Now”, Past- Present- Future)
::: “Charismatic- Leadership”: Young adults, unable to read, cynical of history, science, and mathematics many becoming victims of the classroom teacher, media celebrity, political leader and the alluring illusions and delusions of the mass media of what is and what can be.
::: Pop Culture:is in the process of creating an “Emotional Plague” based on Fear+ Anxiety + Self Hate … disguised as Creative Imagination?
::: POP Culture: Created by “Millennial” with the following attributes:

A … Millennial’s have been conditioned by the state, educational institutions, and cultural influence supportive of multiculturalism.
B … Making a difference is a strong motivational force.
C … Instant communication framework (I.e. extensive computer usage has led to a need for more professional feedback than that of past generations. Communication platforms such as SMS, e-mail, video chat, and blogging have engendered a mindset that necessitates constant communication with others. That mindset has carried over into the workplace).Perceptions (Symptoms) from the Collective Team.
D ... ‘ … [ idol worship] religious extremism.’
E ...The ease at which people become distracted and misdirected instead of thinking.
F ...Vanishing individuality: Cookie Cutters … "Number 12 looks just like you"
G ... Infatuation [with] the death of a talented decadent spirit of a person - Michael Jackson.H ... Nearly universal acceptance of simple labeling.
H ... Universal and consistent unchecked misbehavior and illegal conduct of followers/leaders].
I ..."It's a Bird, It's a Plane, “ Modanna” - pop stardom as the standard for leadership.
Personal Perceptions:
1 … We know POP CULTURE is dominated by the liberal left and the POP CULTURE TV scene.
2 … Education symptom is the acceptance of propaganda as education.
3 … The masses were far more influenced by the hard to measure “cool quotient” than by any amount of “education”.
::: Our culture of young adults are “embracing” an hypnotic trance that is attached to the glitz and glitter that has the power to fragment and disengage the individual from his/her “identity”.

::: The Pop Culture of America is in the process of creating an “Emotional Epidemic” based on Fear + Anxiety + Self Hate disguised as Creative Imagination.
+ … ROOT of the ROOT: “Idol Worship”
The Millennial generation have been condition by the state welfare system, educational institutions, and the cultural influences supportive of multiculturalism, political correctness, and environmentalism.
+ … PROBLEM: Charismatic Leadership: Young adults, unable to read, cynical of history, science, and mathematics many becoming victims of the classroom teacher, media celebrity, political leader and the alluring illusions and delusions of the mass media of what is and what can be. We are witness to the confrontation for the hearts and minds of America taking place on the battle field of mysticism and reason.
+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: We must become the witness to the Death of Education and the Dawn of Learning through an the process of Meta-Group learning settings that remain inter- connected to all the global resources.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ????????????????????????????

Symptom: the rise of principled immorality in this country

::: Where does our “rights” come from?
::: Many teach : the Divine Rights are from God: To be withdrawn with a serious sin against the Law.
::: Others teach: Our rights come from the State: To be given or taken away with a “whim” by the tax man or politician.

::: Central Principled Question: Why should one group be forced to pay for another group’s “perceived” needs when it should be voluntary or when one group’s needs become rights?

POINTS of VIEW to think about:
● POPE:”The Noble Theory” human right to health care as derived from the right of human dignity.
::: (The noble theory is based on it is a moral act that is not practical- everyone knows this theory cannot work over the long haul but this idea is embraced by all those involved in Utopia Building that it cannot and will not be set aside in our lifetime- sadly).
● THE AMERICAN BISHOP: teach the principle of the “Common Good’ as a primary argument for Universal "everyting"- never bothering to ask or answer the question"who pays?" Knowing it is not them that is for sure.
● CHURCH COMMUNITIES in America: individual rights are given by God through the Church Authority (force) ::: We answer to a higher authority! What is the nature of that authority (supernatural/natural)?
● GOVERNMENT: proclaims “Human Rights” come from the State’s Authority by force if necessary – Human Rights are not a “right” they are given their rights by the State. “society's moral duty"::: This: total abandonment by the intellectuals and the politicians of the moral principles on which the U.S. was founded.
● BROWN AND CLINTON: 2010 Initiatives / “Global Ethic”/ “Global Society”/ Global Environmental Institution/ global ethic of “fairness and responsibility”/ principle that prosperity of this world is “Indivisible” and “One”.
● OBJECTIVIST: Universal Health Care: socialized medicine is a noble plan and is immoral. UHC will eliminate options of treatment and scientific advancements and in term limit the extension of life expectancy.

● Constitution: guarantees, “… the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness …”
::: This is a revolutionary concept. The free American “ascents” to this ideal.
::: It is not a belief we subscribe as we would with religion or oaths to a Caesar, King, Pope, deity, fascist, communist, or other belief systems.
::: These are our only rights, the American viewpoint: the rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.
::: (Some add: “We are all created equal!” But, it is understood this is and always will be an unattainable vision- but worthy of our personal ascent.
::: That's all. According to the Founding Fathers, we are not born with a right to a trip to Disneyland, or a meal at McDonald's, or a kidney dialysis (nor with the 18th-century equivalent of these things).
::: We have certain specific rights—and only these written by Jefferson:
"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

● The system guarantees us the chance to work for what you want—not to be given it without effort by somebody else. Rights which require no earning, no effort, no action at all on the part of the recipient.

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: Ideological Clarity” The role of government?
+ … PROBLEM: The expansion of the social Entitlements
( Health Care, Medi-care, Social Security) in America. Especially, the conflict between the “have’s and the have-nots” the battleground: Egoism vs. Altruism”.
+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: A public confused about the very meaning of the free market, liberty, and individual rights, and about what a proper defense of those values of Capitalism.
+ … STRATEGIC TARGETS: Congressional progressives, the American Bishops, pastors, intellectuals withi the universities, and those who promote the progressive movement.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ?????????????

+ … ROOT of the ROOT:These people aren't liable for the debt they are a receiver of the system as is and depend on it's continuation.

+ … PROBLEM:  Zero Libility Voter: are those are a rapidly expanding segment of voters that are made of all races, ethnicities, and sexes. They are voters that want to use the government to fund all the social programs, welfare, and etc. They either get what money they do get taken out of their checks back plus some from the government at tax time or are just flat out receivers of the system.
+ … STRATEGIC THRUST:  Voter requirements for Zero-liability mind at work at the poll levers.
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ?????????????