Saturday, September 19, 2009


Prepared by: AA:: Freedom and Responsibility Inc.
Robert R. lackney, architect/ moderator

We are at a crisis point, because we can not bring forward any more wealth.
In a few decades, just the interest payments on the National Debt will be greater than the earning capacity of the living.
· Constitutional authority: the process of undermining the Constitution by the Congress and Courts
· The government’s growth of power
· The government controls the message and uses deceit to manipulate the public trust
· Government actions to bring wealth forward, at the cost of enslaving the unborn.
· Symptom: Credit Expansion: cost of enslaving the unborn
· The government can perform illegal actions and bring the income potential of the unborn forward of satisfy our selfish greed today.
· The death tax: life is the means to the ends since before you even existed, Contractually indebted against your will at the day of birth for the purpose of bringing wealth forward.
· Obama: political agenda is the strategic thrust of the communistic.
· Government: "takes" from the public trough as if it were manna from heaven.
· System Standardization: Survival of corporations, business, and profit seeking enterprises regardless of the system you are operating in: Health Care System, Judicial System, Penal System, economic system, political system, technological systems, or religious or spiritual systems.
· Ms. Rand understood then, in 1957, an emerging trend toward more government influence, where “somebody’s need is a claim against our wealth.”·
The continue of Corruption in voting, cross finds, graft and the like of leadership in Congress.
· The Entitlement Taxation: Costs of Health Care Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security will in 10 years exceed the yearly tax revenues for America. The Middle Class Contract has been looted by political system.
· Ideologies that are eating away at American Core values (Ann Rand).
· America is not doing enough for the war against its enemies(Ann Rand).
· Administration’s refuse make self defense its ruling principle and support it true ally in the mid-east Israel (Ann Rand)
· War against CEO’s is designed to strangle American business.
· Positions on Environmentalism , Culturalism, Political Correctness
· Government by Consensus: The New Government: less and less verifiable data
· In welfare system in America, Fascisms, Communism, Christianity, we are noble …we are moral we are creating a society to control the individual selfishness… Socialism undermines life.· STATISM: “The last 50 years have been an orgy of placing need above wealth creation, above personal pursuit of happiness,” Mr. Brook says. “I think we are seeing the consequences of that today.”

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