Saturday, September 19, 2009


::: Freedom, a fragile reality that we have discussed since childhood, is only half of the American truth.

::: Freedom is the "negative" characteristic of the whole experience of what has happened in American culture past present and into the future

::: The other more positive aspect is “responsibleness”.

::: I am beginning to believe that Freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness.

::: The continuing betrayal by those who have succumbed to human indolence and laziness where so many have decided not to work and contribute to the growth of America but have relied on the welfare system, the "the free lunch," handouts provided by a government who seeks the votes of the "poor, needy and deserving".
::: which sadly, and probably includes 99% of us

::: I am asking myself the following questions:
1/ Has the individual come to value the expectation of LIBERTY enough to take the needed actions required to prevent its destruction?
2/ Are we in the classical cycle of Liberty to Tyranny?:
3/ Being characterized by Liberty: "affluence" and the loss of understanding of the cost of that liberty over time.
4/The exploitation of that laziness/indolence by "leaders", that leads us to
5/Tyranny, and the resulting rise of rebellion against that tyranny at the near breaking-point of the human will , and:
::: then the regaining of Liberty.
6/Do we truly believe in Freedom and Responsibility?
7/ Freedom, it seems to me, is only half of the truth.
8/ Freedom is the negative characteristic of the whole experience of what has happened in American culture.The other more positive aspect is “responsibleness”.

::: The mass suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC.
::: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destoying what we beleve to be Freedom?

::: The past 70 year experiences of criminality, on small/ large scales
(i.e. Post Civil War, Inquisition, Luther’s Peasant Revolt, England’s Cromwell’s Office of Religion, international fascism, sadism, and the standardization of American institutions).

::: The Epidemic ridden individual uses ethical codes to justify behaviors that relies and legislates that ‘everyone must be healthy’, that is imposes a way of life on others by force ( A form of Progressive liberalismUtopia Building)

::: Susceptibility to the Epidemic is universal- even the most healthly among us is susceptible to the irrational reactions.
::: There is always an acute epidemic outbreak of the Emotional Infection:

A: Mysticism is its most destructive form.
B: The passive and active thirst for authority.
C: Moralism (Social ethics, political correctness, environmentalism)
D: Party politicking.
E: The toleration of doctrinal methods of education (i.e. Sadistic, dogmas, ideologies).
F: Gossip and defamation ( the 1st step in the use of force to commit harm and murder).
G: Imperialistic war ideologies and Government by Consensus.
H: American rackets and scams (i.e. ‘ponzie” schemes, fixed elections, sub- prime loans etc.
I: Anti-social criminality.
J: Racial hatreds (I.e. KKK, Black Power, Islam “crap” and the like).
K: Social abuse within the social movement campaigns of the past 70 years,
L: Political reactions (I.e. The thirst for power, deceits and intrigue vs. accomplishment, all are within the realm of human sadism.
M: Repression of the rational, innovation, individual creative imagination.
N: Counterfeit behaviors, subjective convictions and compulsions within the unhealthy individual,
O: Inability to experience happiness and love.
P: The population’s flight to drugs: media, chemicals, alcoholism, sexual addictions, media-pop- celebarty worship.
Q: In the reaction of a healthy person- nothing can be concealed motive, action, and goal form a unity.

A ::: Cultural Ideals we would expect: truthfulness, straight forwardness, self understood attitudes, objectivity, and
B ::: The search for Love, Work and Knowledge, and
C::: Creative Imagination, Innovation, and Leadership.

::: The mass suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC
::: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?

+ … ROOT of the ROOT: "THE EMOTIONAL EPIDEMIC" Model. The Epidemic ridden institutions and individuasl uses ethical codes to justify behaviors that relies and legislates that ‘everyone must be “healthy”, that is imposes a way of life on others by force through progressive idealism and Utopia Building.

+ … PROBLEM: The breakdown within American culture and the embrace of "physical and emotional addictions" that are concealed within the Progressive liberal movement campaigns of the past 70 years that mirror the fundamental social justice and political correctness programs that drive soialistic, communistis, and facist ideologies.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of the disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?
+ ... SOLUTION/ACTION PLAN: ???????????????????????????

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