Saturday, September 19, 2009



From the ranks of our society we find a spectrum of individualist producers to welfare takers.
In the vast chasm between those who make things and those who steal what the producers make: The hordes.
Therein is the ocean of SO SO very many who are not motivated to make productivity of their personal ambitions a focused reality.
They really have none.
Hence, the perceived Root of true personal happiness is evaded by the vast majority.
By way of example, most people are content with simply filling a slot in a job as defined by someone else - that someone being a producer/business owner/ entrepreneur. Power-crazed politicians are always creating more and more havoc to solve as a justification for their position of power.

In the wake of their mess we have the institutions of governmental departments and the broad expanse of bureaus and jobs related. Statistically, I am sure that more than 50% of the populous is now in some way employed under government cash flows.
That psychology which allows for individuals to be satisfied working within the structure of something that is not a part of their personal individual self-fulfilling productivity (a job for someone else) is now slotted into a system that is inherently a producer of nothing (the government).
People content with this fit do not question the "sustainability" of the system within which they work - they just go to work and return home to eat, sleep, and return to work. They may have a hobby, but the bulk of their life hours are committed to someone else's vision in action. In the case of government-related jobs, those workers are part of a vision based in extortion of the citizenry.
( Note: Not to mention that within a few years the cost to fund entitlements in America , namely, Medicaid, Medicare,and Social Security will exceed the yearly revenues gleaned from the tax base of a diminishing work force ... the question we ask: Will there ever be enough money the politician and the government? When will corruption this stop?)
(comments by: r.r.lackney, architect)

Hence, we are faced not only with a Numbness Phenomenon that really doesn't care about the viability of the nature of the organization for whom they work BUT compoundedly, we are faced with that same mentality actually being compelled to "believe in / support" that entity for the simple reason of needing their provider to "stay in business".
·( NOTE: We now have the "zero-liability voters" :
They are they are a rapidly expanding segment of voters that are made of all races, ethnicities, and sexes.
They are voters that want to use the government to fund all the social programs, welfare, and etc.
They are now pushing a National health care program.
These are also the people that do not contribute to the system that funds these programs.
They either get what money they do get taken out of their checks back plus some from the government at tax time or are just flat out receivers of the system.)

( Note: The " zero-liability voters" are not liable for debt they are a receiver of the system as is and depend on it's continuation.)
. (comments by: r.r.lackney,architect)

Therefore, as we look forward to solving the problems of Numbness, Evasion, Mysticism, Fear, etc. (all of our Roots) we are going to face the irrational resistance of the majority - the majority that does not think beyond their weekly pay check and are going to be damn resistant to anything that would seem to threaten their "insurance".
I dare say, that a great part of what is wrong with the Free World has to do with the fact that the majority of society lives in contradiction to the fundamentals of the free and independent thinker.
That majority does NOT dedicate its talents and energy toward a productive life that is focused on that individual's personal aspirations for their individual self-realization.
( Note: To convince them that they are off the mark will require a true process of personal education and transformation: how did Jefferson, Adams, and Ben Franklin with "nudging" from their mutual friend Priestly overcome the irrationality of the Calvinistic world view of their time and give birth to America.)
(comments by:r.r.lackney,architect)
In short, our Solutions will have to be of an heroic caliber. Nothing less will work.

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