Saturday, September 19, 2009


A ::: Observation: There are people who are well informed, people who do not know what they are talking about, people who are partisan in their pet issue/project, people who are left/right ideology, there are the experts. So much “noise” that all have trouble sorting out the truth.
B :::
C :::
D :::
5 ::: TYPES
TYPE 1 : The KEN & BARBIE's- These are the “regal”, the Kennedy’s, Barbara Strisiends, of America. These people see themselves as the royal kingdom holders. They ride in their Rolls Royce chariots waving to the adoring smiling faces at the guarded fences- who look up to the regal – the icons and project their lives as a model of these idols. Liberal to the extreme and compulsively use others in their social experimentation. Not concerned with income tax they have plenty of capital- paying long-term capital gains at 15%, enjoying the lowest tax brackets in the country. Typically, non-religious but as the people’s idol pay lip service to religious and spiritual things to maintain favor with the adoring groups. They will stand at a microphone a say they understand the common man but do nothing, virtually for charity or volunteerism. They are a powerful elite group levering their social status as aristocrats of American culture. Few in number, but their presence dominate the media and political positions. The Ken and Barbie’s of America!

TYPE2: THE EGG HEADS: The educated “elite” of American society and their cronies. The pseudo- intellectuals, students, groupies, pop-culture groups and the “community organizer types”. Aligned ideologically with the Ken and Barbie group but openly intolerable of the traditional religions and the values associated with these religions. … Seeking the “Contemporary Spiritualities”: Example, Eastern religions, experts from out of town, mysticisms, naturalisms, and the fringe spiritual movement. Capitalism is – in their mind- the Great Evil. Involved in charitable ventures (than the Ken-Barbie’s). Especially, volunteerism. Through these activisms they are able to evangelize and enroll others to their ideologies as they pray on the emotions of the uneducated by highlighting the fringe disparities of hunger, pollution, resource depletion, poverty, racism, and the like. Larger in numbers than the Kens and Barbie’s but remain a minority in the American population. Individually, they have very little power but have immediate and great effect thru media exposure and public demonstrations. The educated elite: The Egg Heads!

TYPE3: THE BOHIEMAN: The artistic type. A sub-set of the Egg Head. Educated, typically, but not necessarily. They subscribe to the alternative approach to everything and feel the “right” to self expression in any form of the “arts” is their higher calling than the mundane occupations. Resent capitalism and wealth. But, continually compromise their “idealism” by groveling for substance from those who have money. They pursue the arts without serious focus and committed discipline toward perfection. Art is their playground in which they retreat. Fodder for the Kens and Barbies … and the Egg Heads. Easily subscribed into movements and used as the marketers … through the use of their art (which is used as a weapon). This is their only source of power a power that is supported and then exploited by others. The artistic Type- the Bohemians.
... THIS TYPE INCLUDES: The Russian" Model: a carry-over from the 19th-century Russian intelligentsia as "a sub-set of the educated classes, encompassing those who talked about books they had never read, distinguished both by a disavowal of class or occupation, such as bureaucrat or soldier, and by their conformist subscription to such supposedly progressive ideals as atheism, socialism and revolution.(Quote:: Burleigh). Many are to be found posting in meet-up groups around the country.
... AND: :"The Intelligentsia" : Those people who embrace an essentially secularized Christian vision-"a redemptive Populist crusade: in which redemptive virtue was ascribed to the lowest of the low, and paradise would dawn after their consciousness had been raised to revolutionary levels. ( 1940 Russian intellectual - now teaching socialology in the Universities).

TYPE4: THE WORKING JOES: the working Joes are the largest population in American Society- less educated but skilled and productive. Their ideology vacillates as there income and lifestyles are affected by political and social conditions. They tend to be conservative but not in a psychological sense- they do not value things in that way- they defer to a traditional religion based upon their upbringing. They are victims of the influences of the Kens/Barbie’s, Egg heads, and Bohemians … in that they do very little for society but do vote occasionally and do in that way affect society. Their “victimization” is a direct result of willful and possibly unavoidable evasion. Cumulatively they have the greatest power and wealth of the country. But, as individuals their means are very modest or moderate. The Classic Middle Class. The working Joe types.

TYPE5: THE VENTURISTS: the people who have the big and nice colonial houses with acres surrounding them. These people have made their money differently than the Kens and Barbie. In fact, they are the “counter parts” to Ken and Barbie. They are fewer in number than that of the middle class but, they have tremendous influence not through the media but in the financial structures they have built and maintain. They are the conceivers and doers that provide employment, products, wealth, value, and … the taxes. They are independently minded but confirm to traditions in daily life and religion. They are more and more under the gun of regulation and political governmental edicts. And, tend to conform as required without much fuss about the big picture so as to keep their business working. They only squawk by way of their attorneys about matters that directly and adversely affect their enterprise. This is the Ventures Productive Type.

TYPE6: THE REBELS: the malcontent, freewheeling, trailer trash, cowboys drop out, live for today group. These people are not concerned with changing anything. They accept the world around them as unchangeable. But, dam determined to live as they see fit. These resent intrusion. Distrust most people and could give a rats As… about politics, religion, rules, and regulations except as needed to be avoided in order to get on with the next party. The make a living as required for their pleasure. Seek only individual life to live as they choose.

TYPE7: IOU’S GROUP: Those that thrive on debt through consuming and having things that they cannot afford. Have no understanding of income and debt, living beyond their means, and ape the government commandment borrow beyond your limits.

TYPE8: The Britney Spears Syndrome: "Miley Cyrus' transformation from schoolgirl to sexpot is a simple matter of economics. Sex sells. And the sexualization of girls -- from cherubic-faced teen idols like Cyrus to their legions of even younger fans -- is big business in America today." ( refer to solutions)

TYPE9: Disney's "Hannah Montana" fame, appeared this month at FOX's Teen Choice Awards pole-dancing atop an ice-cream cart in micro-shorts and black leather boots.

TYPE10: "The Lolita Effect: image of female sexuality "has been getting progressively younger over the years. "reverting to a time when childhood was indistinct from adulthood, when the concept of 'child abuse' was unknown." (incest, adult-child sex and pedophilia.)
... This type includes: "Media Porno" model : The growth of the multi-billion dollar child porn and child sex-trafficking industries, as well as alarming rates of eating disorders and sexually transmitted diseases among girls and the rise of such trends as "sexting," in which girls send out nude photos of themselves via cell phone or Internet to attract the male sexual attention they have learned to seek at all costs.
TYPE 11: TERRORISTS:  "The Terrorist": Common profile for law-enforcement and intelligence agencies: invariably morally squalid, when it is not merely criminal.


1/ LIBERAL TYPE A:BIG SPENDER: Obama began his tenure with a massive $800 billion "stimulus" bill consisting largely of payoffs to traditional Democratic constituencies and investments in assorted pet projects of the left. Spent $1 trillion dollars.

2/ It was a model of pork and inefficiency.

3/ The large national debt Obama inherited has roughly doubled in size, domestic discretionary spending has increased by 25 percent (even without counting the stimulus), and we have experienced the three largest annual deficits in American history.

4/2011: Obama has been dragged kicking and screaming into deficit-reduction negotiations with congressional Republicans, he proposed a budget that would further increase the deficit and debt on the premise to spur employment.

liberals came to be identified with an economics of stagnation and decline. Since Obama took office, unemployment has averaged 9.3 percent, and economic growth has been anemic despite enormous measures intended to improve both. Repeated promises of a strong recovery around the corner have contributed to an impression of hapless incompetence, and the public's expectations regarding the economy are now more pessimistic than they have been since the late 1970s, while (in large part as a result) overall faith in government is at record lows

An explosion of regulatory discretion and the birth of several large new public programs have revealed an extraordinary faith in bureaucratic administration among today's Democrats. It is of course most powerfully evident in Obamacare, with its vast array of interlocking rules and programs overseen by an army of waiver-granting clerks, and its board of 15 philosopher-accountants setting prices.

The tax burden imposed by Obamacare alone comes to roughly $770 billion over ten years, but that is just the beginning. There was a time when Democrats ran away from the mantle of the party of tax increases, but by this past summer the administration and congressional Democrats had put higher taxes at the top of their list of fiscal priorities.:Now insist quite openly that no further budget deals will be possible if taxes are not raised.

President Obama travels the country arguing that the rich have done too well at the expense of all other Americans and should be made to give more to the government—though, to blunt the attack (and to get around the inconvenient fact that his own net worth is estimated at more than $10 million), he has added the unusual twist of including himself among the moneyed interests. "How can we slash funding for education and clean energy before we ask people like me to give up tax breaks we don't need and didn't ask for?"

9/LIBERAL TYPE F: THE CULTURAL ELITIST: embodied by John Kerry in 2004. It was the type that Obama exhibited when he shared his opinion of the religious and cultural attachments. And it has shown itself :1/ police officer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, acted "stupidly" when he arrested Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates. The modern liberals, from the riotous counterculture of the 1960s through today's NPR snobs.

10/ LIBERAL TYPE G: THE SNARKY, PSEUDO-ALIENATED, DISHEVELED YOUNG PROTESTER. The “reincarnation” of the hippie. There is much to complain about regarding Wall Street and its cozy relationship with the government, but the Occupy Wall Street protesters do not seem to have a clear idea of what that complaint might be, or what should be done about it. They seem increasingly to give vent, instead, to a vague unfocused ennui, unaware that their bizarre reenactment of their professors' wistful exaggerations of the 1960s threatens a great many Americans whose cultural memories extend further back than the invention of the iPod

Only the Good

1/ Ideas taken from EPPC, Yuval Levin

2/ A Gallup poll October 2011: showed that only 21 percent of Americans consider themselves liberals. The rest of the country might well put up with liberals in power now and then, but not if the left insists on constantly reminding us why, to coin a phrase, we are the 79 percent.

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