Saturday, September 19, 2009


The massive suppression of rational thought, has become, an EPIDEMIC.
How do we recognize the symptoms of this EPIDEMIC that is manifesting in social life with outbreaks of this intellectual and behavioral disease that is destroying what we believe to be Freedom?
Interview commentconference EDRA 2006. robert r. lackney, architect
A: Mysticism is its most destructive form.
B: The passive and active thirst for authority.
C: Moralism (Social ethics, political correctness, environmentalism)
D: Party politicking.
E: The toleration of doctrinal methods of education (i.e. Sadistic, dogmas, ideologies).

F: Gossip and defamation (the 1st step in the use of force to commit harm and murder).
G: Imperialistic war ideologies, rule by force, and Government by Consensus.
H: American rackets and scams (i.e. ‘ponzie” schemes, fixed elections, sub- prime loans etc.
I: Anti-social criminality.
J: Racial hatreds (I.e. KKK, Black Power, Islam “crap” and the like).

K: Social abuse within the social movement campaigns of the past 70 years,
L: Political reactions (I.e. The thirst for power, social agenda, deceits and intrigue vs. accomplishment, all are within the realm of human sadism.
M: Repression of the rational, innovation, independent discourse, individual creative imagination.
N: Counterfeit behaviors, subjective convictions and compulsions within the unhealthy individual.
O: Inability to experience happiness and love. Loss by many the "love of life".

P: The population’s flight to drugs: media, chemicals, alcoholism, and sexual addictions, media-pop- celebrity worship.
Q: Self-anesthetization by living through subsidies) and the philosophical (Objectivist) facts of life ( subsidies destroy the motive-center of life! ) and people craving an "insured" life.
R: The ”zero-liability voters”: people who do not pay taxes and vote to expand all progressive welfare programs that have bankrupted America.

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