Saturday, September 19, 2009


"The individual mind leads to the understanding of:
An indeterminate expansion of
Love + Work + Knowledge"
Society of Art and Architecture, Inc.
r.r.lackney, architect

Recently several questions were put to me:
::: "How should schools be changed?"
::: Maybe some foundational questions are things like - what do we expect from a school?
::: What are we willing to pay to make sure a school can meet our expectations?
How do we determine the success of a school?

i said: " i want to see as far as i can in every direction."A voice asked: "And, how will you do that?"my reply: "With my imagination."
r.r.lackney, architect
2008, Jul yinterview: Educational Foundation Inc.


I remember my grandmother saying to me on a warm summer’s evening while sitting on the front porch in Elkins West Virginia:
“ Robert, schools can be imagined as a train filled with books, desks, buildings, teachers, students, principals, papers and pencils on a great journey into the future
… we expect that we are on our way to Florence. Italy …
but, after 15 years of study we look out the window and discover
that we have arrived in Siberia, Russia!”

1 ::: There is a serious flaw within current educational processes where the
“one size fits all” approach to teaching and learning.
2 ::: What we need to do is to bring the best and the brightest into the education process and nurture our youth over an extended period of time: say 5,10,15 plus 3 years?
3 ::: Children can do extraordinary things.
Children are reaching out into everything and forming a new recipes , namely:
4::: META LEVEL LEARNING: children thinking about their personal learning-a community base learning process-the internet is at the center but now they are assembling ideas/concepts/solutions from multiple resources:
the internet of course and from people from all over the world.
5::: The One glimmer of optimism'- children and learners are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies. The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way.
6 ::: We may indeed be a witness to the
7 ::: Death of Education and The Dawn of Learning.
8 ::: Discover, Prepare, and Mentor our exceptional
students, teachers, and educational leaders.
9 ::: These students are currently in grade schools, middle schools, high schools and
working professionals in the market place.
8 ::: Key question we must ask:
" How effectively will we accomplish this?
+ ::: The creation of an educational approach that prepares our brilliant students and teachers to contribute, create, and provide the solutions and engages the uncertainties, problems, and opportunities facing the local and global community.
::: … The One glimmer of optimism'- children and learners are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies. The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way …

+… ROOT of the ROOT: “ One Size Fits All Model”:

Facing a magnitude of the collapse of Educational Institutions of the past 100 years we are witness to the Death of Education and the Dawn of Learning.

+ … PROBLEM: There is a serious flaw within current educational processes where a the “one size fits all” approach to teaching and learning.

+ … STRATEGIC THRUST: What we need to do is to bring the best and the brightest into the education process and nurture our youth over an extended period of time: say 5,10,15 plus 3 years?. This includes the development of the “Open Source” model as a means of knowledge distribution.
+ … STRATEGIC FOCUS: Creativity + Innovation + Leadership

Children thinking about their personal learning-a community base learning process-the internet is at the center but now they are assembling ideas/concepts/solutions from multiple resources: the internet of course and from people from all over the world.
Create an alternative educational process where "Creativity" is considered as a discipline that is the center of learning. Creativity is something that happens to you and creates a sense of “uncertainty” .
The making things with your hands that leads to “Creative Collaboration” that works through solutions over extended periods of time. The creation of international ‘connective networks” that break through the boundaries of disciplines, the creative professions, and technical resources on a global basis. Innovation always Cumulative and Collaboration.

Seeing and conceiving solutions to problems that exist beyond what we know and do not know. The ability to “see over the horizon” and then “Think + Plan +Do +Act”: The ability to Create a Vision and fulfill a Dream.

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