Saturday, September 19, 2009


1..."Producers salaries are being [involuntarily] stymied."
2..."The debate is always which government plan should be used to solve problem X instead of whether problem X is under the purview of the government."
3...The mainstream success of atheist writers like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens (religious survey results continue to show the fastest growing category are those that label themselves as Secular or Not Religious) - A Positive Symptom
4...The ease at which people become distracted and misdirected instead of thinking.
5...The lack of critical thinking skills.
6...The inability to articulate ideas succinctly.
7...Embracing of socialism. Generally we are seeing more and more population slide into approval of it.
8...Blind patriotism. Patriotism has become a trend. Never mind what is 'Patriotic'.
9...Religious extremism. Not just in other countries..
10...General decline of Intelligence. Every day that passes, our fellow man gets increasingly 'stupid'.
11...Fearing the boogeyman. Osama is under your bed.
12...Vanishing individuality. Please choose from one of these cookie cutters. "Number 12 looks just like you"
13...People are privately outspoken but publicly silent about the bailouts and explosive federal spending.
14...An unprecedented number of home foreclosures.
16...Stepping down of the American lead position in world leadership by President Obama. (his global apologies)
17...infatuation by so many with the sad life and death of a talented but personally decadent spirit of a person - Michael Jackson.
18...Nearly universal acceptance of simple labellings such as "Green", "Organic", or "Earth-friendly" as a value without reasonably deriving them for one's self.
19...A general disregard for the legacy of socialism, communism, and totalitarianism by the "leadership" who one would assume has enough education to understand the implications of big centralized authorities.
20...Consumers "living for today" without saving for the future.
21..."Thinking" only for the day and not considering one's daily direction based on a larger picture.
22...Voters willingness to return transgressors of honesty, decency, and virtue to public office.
23...An overwhelming belief in Obama as good for the country, them, and the future of America by the black population simply because he is black.
24...The backlog of foreclosures is allowing mortgagees to remain in their homes for months without making mortgage payments.
25...Americans are intentionally defaulting in order to prove "insolvency" so as to qualify for the new debt reduction programs and refinancing with low fixed rate long term mortgages
26...A nearly universal and consistent UNCHECKED misbehavior, abuse of power, and even illegal conduct of elected officials. The voter stands in witness of these abuses with a complete lack of effective means of correcting them.
27...Evangelizing tendencies even by atheists. (paraphrased)
28...More Christians are getting organized
29...More Secularists are getting organized
30...More grass root republican clubs are being organized
31...More guns are being sold
32...More businesses are laying off workers
33...More people are writing and calling their representatives
34...Congressmen are ignoring their constituencies.
35...People are saving more money instead of spending it.
36...People are keeping their cars longer
37...People are doing more of their own maintenance on their homes and cars
38...Congress is spending your money on their pet projects and calling it stimulus.
39...People are buying gold
40...People are accepting the idea of a Stay-cation.
41...People are still spending money on their pets
42...The way that the news is covered (Jackson funeral, also the Palin announcement)43...Control of fireworks - Dept of Homeland Security will no longer allow 12 in diameter shells on the barge, they have set a limit of 10 inches.
44...Government interference into all areas of personal liberty.(normal traffic stops and building codes and the like. Also the grudgingly accepted inconvenience of airport security, as well as the more insidious type of government intrusion is the kind that occurs gradually behind the scenes and with out much attention.
45...The endless applications and permits to do things or buy things that the government really has no right to regulate.
46...The defacto regulation through taxes and fees; think gasoline, cigarettes and booze.
47...The way that some react to the above.Activist/ statist types who honestly believe that what they are doing is for the betterment of man.
48...The evaders who walk around in some kind of waking coma.
49...The survivors are the ones who are buying guns and gold and preparing for the worst-case scenario.
50...Those who are working to try to fix the situation. First identifying the problems and working to solve them, by organizing into grass roots resistance alliances and writing to their congressmen and senators, writing letters to the editor, and attempting to wake up the masses before it is too late. They are reluctant activists.
51...The symptom is the unavailabilty of fresh fish at a restaurant that is located on a fishing lake.
52...The loss of revenues by a resort due to more regulations and the unavailability of seasonal rental opportunities by RVers.
53...The importation of timber into a state that is awash in timber.
54...The closure of libraries, rising property taxes and Federal earmarks that support local governments.
55...The government is restricting their sales of such cars unless they sell more fuel efficient cars that they are not good at and don't make money on (due to their high labor cost structure). The same government chooses to bail them out when they lose money.
56...A direct relation between regulations being enacted and bail out money going out the door. 57...The closure of factories, the layoffs of union workers, the bankruptcy of Government Motors, the bailout of Government Motors, government compensation for laid off workers, and higher unemployment rates.
58...A 2000% inflation in the price of incandescent bulbs due to gov. regulation(now that is a bit more than the CPI).
59...Less personal customer service and the replacement of human workers with mechanical voices. Due to government regulations, the people in our office have been asked not to answer each others phones due to privacy issues and just let the calls go to voicemail.
60...The increase in Antitrust activity.
61...The change in our definition of "friends" and "enemies". Now, Russia, Hamas and Hezbollah (the "Party of God"), are our friends and Israel and Georgia are the enemy.
62...Less freedom in the way we run and manage our own businesses. Thirty years ago, a new account application was one side of one page for our business. Now it is 30 pages long with untold hundreds of additional pages of legalize.
63...Home safe sales smash 60 year record.
64...More people are on the government's payroll. Food Stamps are being issued to more people and the amounts of the allotments have been increasing. Now food stamps have been replaced by something resembling a credit card which eliminates the embarrassment of handing over stamps in a grocery store.
65...The rationing of health care services.
66...The elimination of a freedom to choose the type of fuel we can purchase. The change in the formulation of gasoline. Politicians have decided that we must use ethanol for the good of society.
67...New requirements for sellers of homes. The process of full disclosure has taken us to the point where the sale of a house is dependent on a local environmental czar who makes sure that tens of thousands of dollars need to be spent in order to bring a house up to saleable status.
68...The symptom is less freedom of movement. At the Portland airport TSA officials asked everybody to freeze in their tracks - nobody moved. Then just as quickly they allowed everybody to move about again. I don't know if something was going on, or if it was just one of their exercises.
69...Debt issuance by the US Government is another symptom to watch.
70...The generational underfunding of Social Security and Medicare.
71...Underfunding of public pension funds.
72...Deceptive or fraudulent accounting for public pensions versus the type of accounting done for the private sector.
73...Internet Regulation. We should be watching for government programs that seek to monitor the Internet as they do in China and Iran.
74...There is no free market in vaccines. When a pandemic hits, your access to vaccines will be determined by a drug czar, not on your willingness to pay for protection. Lack of privacy and accuracy for medical records.
75...Lack of privacy and accuracy for financial records.
76...Environmentalists occupying power plants is business as usual.
77...Governments think they can keep the price of commodities down by controlling speculators while at the same time printing money with abandon.
78...Our government wants us to pour billions of dollars into alternative energy projects like windmills. Meanwhile, T. Boone Pickens calls off his massive Texas Wind Farm because he can't seem to make it work.
79...Statism moves forward inch by inch but over a generation it is monumental. Just to stop the process in its tracks would be difficult, to actually reverse it inch by inch seems improbable.
80...Lawyers make it their business to help unqualified people obtain health benefits for free by committing Medical fraud, but no one ever goes to jail.
81..."It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's . . . Obama" - pop stardom as the standard for leadership
82· Deterioration of Vocabulary or....the Use of Words without Understanding or Definition: Dumbing Down of man
83·Reverse Racism
84· "Freedom and Unity" slogan. To me they speak to the Double Speak.
85· Symptom: obesity
86·Institutionalized meritocracy
87·Symptom: Entitlement
88·Symptom: Deceit
90 ·”Numbness" has become that phenomenon resulting from a subsidy of sorts of peoples lives.( slaves to corporate benefits)
91 ·Numbness: "Their Potential diminishes"
92 ·Numbness is "real" and that "reality" as a result of the demoralization of many is a creeping cancer that we must contend with!
93 · Numbness: self-anesthetization by living through subsidies) and the philosophical (Objectivist) facts of life ( subsidies destroy the motive-center of life! ).
94 ·Numb Theory: psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions seems to support the Numb theory. Do we maintain the ability to make correct decisions?
95 ·Symptom - Rampant irrationalism in ethics, politics and economics with altruism as the chief driver.
96 ·Symptom - No-win policy in our military which results in actual sacrifice of valuable young lives.
97 ·Symptom - Giveaway tax programs domestically reinforced by endless lobbyists of every imaginable interest group. Part of the reason for this is the willingness of politicians to listen and legislate.
98 ·Symptom - Loss of respect and understanding of individual rights.
99 ·Symptom - Constant failure of regulations and then "fixing" them for the next failure, but no questioning of the policy of regulating as such

100 · “REDISTRIBUTIVE change” Obama's concept of welfare, health care, energy and the like.
101. Expansion of activism in America: Black Liberation, Marism, Socialism, Communisim, Environmentalism, Social Justice.
102. the "Zero-liability voters": these people do not pay taxes or have any investment in America other than voting for more and more welfare programs.
more to come

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