Saturday, September 19, 2009


Each viewer is invited offer their thoughts on the "New Intellectual"

INDIVIDUALISM: Is the  "Inner Voice" that motivates
the Creative, the Thinker, the Innovator.
Philosophy of Life: Happiness, Productivity and Reason the moral meaning of the ideal mind.
What man can be and ought to be :
What makes the INDIVIDUAL IDEAL MIND possible?

The professional intellectual must provide leadership:
studies of man as an institution.
With the birth of capitalism, the system that permits man to make a living with the mind
… our intellectual leadership has collapsed and vanishing …
Individual Mind has the power to know the facts of reality.
Extentialism, Buddhism, religion has abandon reality for illusion
… and returned to Mysticism and rejected the Creative Imagination
Ever since Emanuel Kant who undercut the value of reason
… Physchology has become the sister of religion and the cousion of the Progressive …
When we awoke from our deep sleep we were confronted with illusion or worse delussion:
Fairy Tales
We are called to see things as they are and use our
Creative Imagination
to make things real.
Only Good Stuff
Freedom and Responsibility Inc.
Robert R. Lackney, architect, moderator

As I gaze upon this Great Country in decline, I wonder still of the mission  and
our quest for an understanding of the Root(s) to this condition.
Clearly, the situation is being brought about by the way man is dealing with his life, the decisions being made by each person, and the aggregate affect that comes with trends.

It occurs to me that the Root of "Fear" is an obvious basis from which many are now operating.
Noticing the turn to superstition, hope in a central authority, and a sense of desperation I am compelled to believe that, more specifically, our species is suffering from a Fear of the Unknown.

When we Fear that which we do not know or understand, we can tend to latch onto the familiar, the temporally satisfying, the re-assuring, and those things that have been the stop-gap to the unknown to date.

It is indeed disconcerting that as mankind faces an otherwise glorious period of so much accumulated knowledge he might "chuck it all" in deference to mysticism, tribalism, and cannibalism.

Will there be another chance to seize knowledge, reason, and confidence from which to advance the human experience or will there be a return to the cave, bigotry, fighting, and another great epoch cycle that tests the mettle of reason against ignorant evasion?

That is for each of us to decide it seems - if there are enough of "Us

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