Saturday, September 19, 2009


The integration of The Symptoms, The Roots, and The Types of people that are ruining America to discover "the solutions" to wake up the irrational mind.

We are confronting an epic problem … the country that is the birthplace of the sanctity of the individual … is under threat … in this time … we are the only surviors on the planet with that glimmer of hope … where human liberty is possible …and is under threat of being swept under the rug … of Totaltarisism .

We must come forth with some way to wake up the sleeping mind … the mind of the evasive- irrational- the mind of our neighbors and leaders to say

“ …I am not going to let this happen to me …”

What is a creative Solution: we have no limits except those that we put upon ourselves.
● “ … Think for your survival …”
● “ … Fight for your own liberty …”
● SOLUTION: Reform the two political parties (Options: 1/ Dissolve,2/Term Limits,3/Other)
SOLUTION: Education of the youth to the failures of socialism, collective totalitarianism, the material shortcomings of the system, the persecution, fascism, communism systems and the success of capitalism.
SOLUTION: Exposing Propaganda the and the "The Irrational", "The Unreal","The Distortions of Truth"( refer to Propaganda below... this section)
● SOLUTION:  Creativity As a Discipline (refer to comment below)
The mission and final solution seems to me: how do we prevent the “people in power” from doing bad things to us?
Do We Look for Common Ground?
1/The “common ground” we share with others is INDIVIDUALISM
(Note: not (necessarily) ideology, faith experience, political ideas, tolernace, or compromise.)
2/ The “common ground” we share is our rights as “individual” versus rights as "society", "group", "association".
3/ The “Group” that we fundamentally share is that we each are “Individual”.
4/Keep a list of the ”perceived evils”- irrational actions and behaviors- by those around us that require our intellectual ("Objectivism") response.
5/ "Turning -the -Other-Cheek" is  tactic… not the solution ... are we not to confront the exploits of political correctness as a source of issues that are evil and are leading us intpo slavery
6/ "Common Ground" that brings about a position where A= a position that is disguise for the irrational  must  rejected and to be considered evil"."Common Ground","Tolernece", "Political Correctness" are breeding grounds for comprimising the true value of  Individualism, personal rights, and the morality of self.

(Note: There are some who say: "It's either-or. Evil or Good. Faith, or Reason. You can't have both. There is no middle. The middle is evil, more so, because it gives evil the strength to destroy you. That is his "crack" in the doorway, his wedge, and his umbilical cord.")
Background Perceptions
1/ A truth presented (to any group) prior to its factual outcome is seldom if ever accepted by the “Popular Mindset”. We witness this in the popular voting process. Providing philosophical and intellectual information turns the people “off”.
2/ America is a “reformist” nation … not a “revolution” nation (Anarchy?)
3/ Leaders: it seems to me that it is an uphill battle to get “good-people” to lead. People who are attracted to power are venal at best.
4/ The mission and final solution seems to me: how do we prevent the “people in power” from doing bad things to us?
5/ Our culture is “A Wash in Lies” and irrationalities. Most people (it appears) are attracted to images, bumper stickers, slogans that distort reality, evidence, and truth. A culture so separated from integrated ideas renders it thoughtless.
6/ Is this process creating a culture that is frightened and looking into the eyes of a new “power elite” that will grow exponentially?
7/ Separated from thoughtful and integrated writing by the bloggers, internet news media, TV and opinion and conjecture has developed a thoughtless culture.
8/Many “minds’ and people have separated themselves from the formal study, the written text, the teacher and they are without what Ayn Rand addressed as the need to maintain an “integrated” philosophy.
“Movement Building”: Vision?
1/ Movement building is a process of "conversion" or "copting" individuals to recognize their INDIVIDUALSIM in the midst of "collectivism" where small groups of people of like minded individuals band together to model, present and teach and then support one another over extended peiods of time. I have not decided if "Projects" are required ... more interested in individuals who take on their own initiatives and be responsible of finding new commers to INDIVIDUALISM.)
PROPAGANDA: Exposing the "Irrational"
1: Propaganda:The exercise of a "super-rationalistic" control to expose the irrational through “sacrifice of personal integrity “could lead some to develop the authoritarian or totalitarian overtones of the very ideologies we are supposedly opposing.
2: Propaganda: ... the discussion came to an end ... now where do we go? ... "
They asked as they looked into the face of the rational mind.
Propaganda no matter where or by whom it is initiated goes through its stages until only coercion or force are left ... after a period of silence( my experience):
3: Propaganda: The exercise of a "super- irrationalistic" position in opposition to the rational through “ persuasion, cries of personal integrity, "pet" and "pre-digested" beliefs and solgans of "faith, hope, charity “could lead some to develop the authoritarian or totalitarian overtones of the very ideologies they are supposedly opposing.
4:Progaganda: Those who disagreed with this assault on their intelligence were labeled as intolerant, hateful, un-Christian
5:Propaganda: The greatest harm ... based upon ... best of intentions.
6: Propaganda: design of the “A Wash in Lies” and irrationalities. Most people (it appears) are attracted to images, bumper stickers, slogans that distort reality, evidence, and truth.
A culture so separated from integrated ideas renders it thoughtless.
7: Propaganda: Separated from thoughtful and integrated writing by the bloggers, internet news media, TV and opinion and conjecture has developed a thoughtless culture.
8: Propaganda:Posters, images, videos that pander to the Emotional Infection(the loss rationality) within those people ' whose anxiety, insecurity, and repressed desire for belongingness nursed (in them) a fear of (individual) freedom and a lack of responsibility.'
[ note: " Historian Zev Bardu said: "On the psychological level it has gradually led to the annihilation of the individual's personality by the weakening of the critical mind."]

Train a set of new people who are ethical and creative who can come up with creative solutions to society problems. These people need the skills to engage the world and good things will happen. I am thinking now of the crafting of an honor code for themselves that asks: a/ Can we create a perfect society? b/A reach towards perfection. We cannot accomplish perfection but we can attain excellence.

1/Cenzorship by government, media control, Political Correctness
2/Increased spending beyond known limits
6/Emerging Congressional approval of government programs intended over time to replace the American health insurance industry with an enormous new government entitlement. And it fails to address the core of our health care dilemma.
7/Illegal Immigration and voting corruption, education processes.
8/Indoctrination within the public educational system.
9/ Union benefits that have bankrupted private industry paid out of USA Treasury.
10/ Debt and the selling of America to China, Russia, Mid East.
11/ Political Correctness used as a weapon in censorship and intimidation of free voices.
12/Corrupt and deceit within key individuals our Congress and administration.
13/Muslim infiltration of America: “ Jihad never ends”.
14/Entitlement Programs: un- sustainable financially.
15/ Social Justice: Environmentalism, Multi- Culturalism, Welfare-ism
16/ “Arbitrary Government”: singling out an individual or group for special ill/benefit … then there is no rule of law … we have a whim of the congress … anyone can be named to give up life, limb or property: Property Rights and Conscription.
17/ Today our politicians are discussing: higher taxes,
18/ Nationalized health care,
19/ Controls over oil, tobacco, financial, auto, the media, the Internet, and drug companies,
20/ The elimination of home schooling,
21/ Massive new powers for the Federal Reserve to provide central planning as needed to eliminate the ups and downs of the business cycle,
22/ And, controls over anything that might negatively impact the weather including the type of light bulbs we use and the cars we drive and subservience to a world government with the United Nations at its center
23/ The United Nations Charter on golbal climate that transfer wealth from USA to 3rd world countries as payment for past misdeeeds of "capitalism".
24/ National debt and the compulsion of politicians to maintain spending beyond America's economical resources.
25/ Lack of Patriotism.
26/ SOLUTION: Education of the youth to the failures of socialism, collective totalitarianism, the material shortcomings of the system, the persecution, fascism, communism systems and the success of capitalism.
27/ Centralized planning in Washington Political system: co-opting news media, removal of freedom of radio speak, network neutrality and internet requlation.
Create a "Bag of Symptoms, Types, and Solutions" within reach of the Activist.
The way to change the world was through small magazines and think-tanks.
"Co Opt" as many people TYPES as possible.Include the development of tools to " focus" and "convert" both positive and negative TYPES
+ Developement of a "Speakers on Demand cadre.
+ Organize The "Friends of Collective" to connect and integrate with national patriots
Tool A: The 3 minute "sound bite"
Tool B: The 7 minute Homily
Tool C: The 20 Minute talk to community groups
Tool D: The " Windshield" handout
Tool E: "Work- Study -Travel' for teachers and learners of Freedom and Respon

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