Saturday, September 19, 2009


‘ … American Industry has been under attack by a culture that is based on
Marxist/socialist concepts and the premise that
we are victims of the Capitalist system and its corrupt moral underpinning …’

· Socialism: advocates state ownership of industry and ‘… to advance the longstanding agenda of the unions and progressive movements to expand the role of the state in health care, energy, education, and other sectors, taking on new spending commitments that will exceed 4 generations…’

· Federal government has become a component of the "State." government designed to impose, collect, and then use tax payer money to spend on a raging social justice agenda.

· TARP Funds: used to purchase preferred stock in banks and now owns banks in lieu of eliminating sub-prime loans, purchase GM, disperse funds to GE, and other politically connected corporations.

· Survival, through patronage of the political elite, of the corporation, business, and profit seeking enterprises regardless of the system: Health Care System, Judicial System, Penal System, economic system, political system, technological systems, or religious or spiritual systems are all seeking the government hand-out.


· A public satisfied with a peasant's resignation to serfdom in light of their distance from any direct experience of the loss of freedom.

· Services are perceived as a “right” a “freedom” versus “ responsibility"
· We are not free because those who do not value their freedom (the Numb) have allowed those who want to control us (the politicians) do so! Ar4e we able to make correct decisions or trapped into psycho-neurological pre-disposition to patterns of behavior and convictions seems to support the Numb theory.
· Capitalism: egalitarianism as the “most destructive principle in our society” and believes that the best employees should receive the most rewards.

+ America is not doing enough for the war against its enemies.
+ Administration’s refuse make self defense its ruling principle and support it true ally in the mid-east Israel
+War against CEO’s is designed to strangle American business.
+ Positions on Environmentalism and Culturalism
Taken as a whole there is an alarm that suggests there are ideologies that are eating away at American Core values.

How do we oppose these policies and design a process to restore America’s vitality?

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