Saturday, September 19, 2009


Last week an image of a church groupat prayer  reminded me of a paper I gave many years ago titled:

“The manifestation of the Cosmic Image: The Past Future made Present in Space and Time.”
After the 45 minute presentation my mentor and friend , Dr. Barg, a psychiatrist said to me:
“ Robert … there is at thin line between insanity and genius- and you have just erased it!”
(On reflection it would have been kinder of me to have placed my audience and laid them head to foot to rest in the pews during my talk and later provide a strong cup of black coffee before they left the parking lot.)
I imagine a room full of people ready and willing to hear our “solution” represent for me:
The diverse political and ideological groups within human society as described in our modest list of people types: Healthy and Un-Healthy.
And, I am reminded by the many of our posts of their internal struggle and ideological conflicts between the political Left and Right (and the Up and Down)
For me to evaluate people and a particular issue social, political, or their capability to "know", “reason”, or understand “A=A” , I must know a lot more than I do now.

The thorniest questions that I am now wrestling with deal with “personal responsibility and freedom”.
Given the limitations of the individuals described in my imaginery audience are we really able to express the core issue? And to what extent?
I am beginning to wonder if there are any current forms of thinking that are able to address these questions?
Previsouly , I pointed to “moralistic behavior”-‘ … referred to as “political correctness,”
'… the mindless application of the same set of rules of social conduct for one and all, which will eventually reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, lead to less individual freedom, and increase government control of society...'
This happens because genuine freedom without personal responsibility is impossible.
And, with the absence of personal responsibility and the first sign of a crisis our People Types will vote the 1st chance they get for more government bureaucracy.
What I am now sensing is that the political solutions we have been proposing to address social problems are an attempt to deal only with the superficial, symptomatic level of social crisis.
Sadly, I fear that the underlying sources of social problems, ills, and inequities can never be permanently remedied through sociopolitical, judicial, or religious activism.
MY THEME (Proposed)
What is the ideal man we are visioning?

What is the method of thinking that will penetrate the average and exceptional person and bring new insights into the predicaments that we have brought upon ourselves?
What is the effective educational approach to awake the individual through "personal ascent (or conversion)?
What is the method of thinking that will penetrate the average and exceptional person and bring new insights into the predicaments that we have brought upon ourselves?
What is the effective educational approach to awake the individual through "personal ascent (or conversion)?

Time ad time again, experience has proven that political solutions and social programs fail miserably.
Why, with all of this “progress,” do we still find ourselves in a world filled with violence, oppressive political regimes, religious fanaticism, racial hatred, sexual repression, child abuse, corruption and deceits, pornography, drug and alcohol abuse, and all the other manifestations of human misery?
Why do people walk then run into the opened arms posters of the:
Hitler's , Stalin's and now … the silvery voice of Obama?
These the pathways of Freedom into Totalitarianism!!!
For me, the character of the individuals who have gained the power to control their personal lives have discovered the real energy that drives life:
That is life itself!: Creative Imagination.

The solution I offer is centered in placing “Creativity” or “Creative Imagination”, and the emerging knowledge of brained based learning at the center and core of all education.
Education that is focused on the few not the many.
The One glimmer of optimism'- children, learners, producers are the ones that are changing their institutions and then the institutions changing policies.
The learners are already on the train- they have left the station and well on their way.We may indeed already be a witness to the Death of Education and The Dawn of Learning.
Insanity or genius?
Only the Good
PS:: for me the long term along with some mid and short term "nudging" is in order.

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